wallet running on win 10 64bit
I have this in my wallet configuration
but my cpu is only using 10-25% and genproclimit is still 1.. i tried several values.. like 4, 16.. restart pc after but no efffect. Whats wrong?
blocks": 129551,
"currentblocksize": 1502,
"currentblocktx": 1,
"difficulty": 2070.207305034551,
"errors": "",
"pooledtx": 0,
"chain": "main",
"genproclimit": 1,
"networkhashps": 383570.8021583835,
"hashps": 756.1588006589133,
"minerstarttime": "07-04-2019 00:23:29",
"hashcounter": 35825303,
"pooledtx": 0,
"chain": "main",
"biblepay-generate": true,
"poolinfo1": "",
"poolinfo2": "",
"poolinfo3": "",
"abninfo": "",
"gsc_errors": "",
"poolmining": false,
"pool_url": "",
"required_abn_weight": 100000
Please let us know if what we mentioned for Gilligan_M fixed your issue too, or if you are still mining slow. If so please post the same info I asked for Gilligan to post.
gen = 1
genproclimit = 4
minersleep = 0
exec getabnweight 100000
"Command": "getabnweight",
"version": 1.2,
"weight": 18824968.40258104,
"total_required": 167652,
"weight 100000.00": 2915882.193784723,
"total_required 100000.00": 25997
"blocks": 129763,
"currentblocksize": 13741,
"currentblocktx": 12,
"difficulty": 3026.147186147186,
"errors": "",
"pooledtx": 11,
"chain": "main",
"genproclimit": 1,
"networkhashps": 454381.3860180424,
"hashps": 756.1770107697015,
"minerstarttime": "07-05-2019 08:08:16",
"hashcounter": 13828944,
"pooledtx": 11,
"chain": "main",
"biblepay-generate": true,
"poolinfo1": "",
"poolinfo2": "",
"poolinfo3": "",
"abninfo": "",
"gsc_errors": "",
"poolmining": false,
"pool_url": "",
"required_abn_weight": 100000
my CPU is only 2% active....
Thanks for all that info!
Yes, I can see you have plenty of ABN weight. We are getting closer to resolving this now.
So it appears that the biblepay.conf file you changed is not the one being used.
The reason I say this is your getmininginfo shows genproclimit:1 but your file shows 4 (and 256).
You can actually first simulate genproclimit 20 by doing this:
setgenerate true 20
Then watch your CPU utilization. If it rises higher than you have seen, then its obviously your config file.
(Plus you are not getting the benefit of minersleep=0 either, since that is not being read).
So if you confirm the above works, I recommend closing biblepay, and navigate to:
cd %appdata%\biblepayevolution
Take a look at the debug.log. Was it just written to (timestamp is now)?
Then make a new biblepay.conf file, make sure its in the same directory as the debug.log you just checked, and make sure it does not have a double file extension (ie .conf.txt), and was created in notepad with CRLFs between each row.
Resave it and restart.