Well I tried making a firewall exception and running as administrator but nothing showed up on the pool after I had submitted several shares. I did as you suggested and checked my Monero stats, and yeah it looks like I am indeed generated Monero shares. I took a close look at the output of the mining exe and I noticed that each share that was accepted was XMR. I kept an eye on it for awhile and saw that most of the work I was getting was XMR. Eventually I got a job from rx.biblepay.org-charity (as opposed to rx.biblepay.org), and that one turned into a valid share for XMR-Charity but it still did not show up in the pool stats.
Also something I noticed, when generated for biblepay.org-charity, it stops generating for XMR. Is this normal? Does it alternate between BBP and XMR?
Not sure whats the problem with no bbp shares, you are not alone.
As for the when its charity mining it stops like you say mining to you and instead to the monero charity adress. Its normal and its only xmr it does not alternate between xmr/bbp
i think Rob be sweating bullets fixing blockchain
Please do not post things that are not true here.
As you can see from the bottom of the OP post, violating those rules get your messages deleted and then you get banned after that.
Just to clarify, Borg is the only user so far that I know of that is not generating BBP shares.
My bad my bad.. Just saw none of my rigs displaying any bbp shares and couldnt connect to rx.biblepay.org pool either .
Anyways looks good now. Thanks
No problem, we've had a lot of people that want to destroy us in the past
Well I tried making a firewall exception and running as administrator but nothing showed up on the pool after I had submitted several shares. I did as you suggested and checked my Monero stats, and yeah it looks like I am indeed generated Monero shares. I took a close look at the output of the mining exe and I noticed that each share that was accepted was XMR. I kept an eye on it for awhile and saw that most of the work I was getting was XMR. Eventually I got a job from rx.biblepay.org-charity (as opposed to rx.biblepay.org), and that one turned into a valid share for XMR-Charity but it still did not show up in the pool stats.
Also something I noticed, when generated for biblepay.org-charity, it stops generating for XMR. Is this normal? Does it alternate between BBP and XMR?
So first let me attempt to remove the confusion so we can isolate the issue.
So, the normal behavior is (in the dual hash world), we will attempt to generate both XMR and BBP at the same time. The XMR is always in one of two modes: XMR or XMR-Charity. So we don't actually have any BBP-Charity, just BBP (right now as is). And we don't alternate back and forth between BBP and XMR, we actually constantly try to solve BBP *and* XMR simultaneously. So you should generally see 1 bbp (1 diff) share solved on the screen about the same frequency as seeing the 1 XMR (1 diff) solution.
So the alternating you saw was normal, but that was strictly on the XMR side and did not contribute to the problem.
I read the other post and see that when you watch the screen you constantly solve XMR, but you never actually solve a BBP share - at all.
I sort of confirm that when looking at the server, I never see your address at all (on the BBP side) but I do see your XMR address passing through solving XMR shares - they are not on the display of the pool because your Pool updates are not coming through (IE the solution packets).
So, next I need to see why you aren't connecting BBP solutions. Hang on.
Actually scratch that, there was a similar BBP number showing up in the pool that I confused with my own. So no, I guess I still don't see any BBP shares in the pool. Still generating XMR though....
While I poke around on the server can you please try one other thing - although it appears useless, could you please try pasting the one-liner that starts the miner and mine directly from the command prompt and not from the batch file, just to see if you solve a BBP share? Also be sure to be on port :3001 for now (that is the easy port).
Are your network settings normal on the miner, IE does it have a default gateway and a dns server? IE it can reach the internet and resolve the host? Long shot but it could be it does not know how to resolve the DNS name when submitting a packet. When that miner goes to a browser, you can connect to rx.biblepay.org without a problem?