now I have problem with low ABN again even if my abnweight is more than 256k.
Now I found this in log:
2019-06-23 19:49:47 keypool return 2344
2019-06-23 19:49:47 keypool return 2345
2019-06-23 19:49:47 keypool reserve 2344
2019-06-23 19:49:47
ABN Tx Total Bal 1922976.605973, Needed 1926795.382894, ABNWeight 492864.375324 keypool reserve 2345
2019-06-23 19:49:47
CreateNewBlock::Unable to add ABN because Sorry, your balance is lower than the required ABN transaction amount.keypool return 2346
2019-06-23 19:49:47 antibotnetsignature failed on tx f4ced749f1c1eaec7f9c79dd2dd2ffdb20a1604c902f7ce47b7d9926049a5f1c with purported coin-age of 0.000000
2019-06-23 19:49:47 ERROR: TestBlockValidity: Consensus::ContextualCheckBlock: (code 0)
2019-06-23 19:49:47
ABN Tx Total Bal 1922976.605973, Needed 1926795.382894, ABNWeight 492864.375324
CreateNewBlock::Unable to add ABN because Sorry, your balance is lower than the required ABN transaction amount.antibotnetsignature failed on tx 52b553fbba0b42c505ab032ebb3d79479b899c15f43de5e7bc10e736082d8efa with purported coin-age of 0.000000
2019-06-23 19:49:47 ERROR: TestBlockValidity: Consensus::ContextualCheckBlock: (code 0)
2019-06-23 19:49:48 keypool reserve 2346
2019-06-23 19:49:48
ABN Tx Total Bal 1922976.605973, Needed 1926795.382894, ABNWeight 492864.375324
CreateNewBlock::Unable to add ABN because Sorry, your balance is lower than the required ABN transaction amount.antibotnetsignature failed on tx 034ad2e99cc07ac2e319c7c28dbcd6e57b6ba3e0982e48dbbdb54c5f72a56347 with purported coin-age of 0.000000
2019-06-23 19:49:48 ERROR: TestBlockValidity: Consensus::ContextualCheckBlock: (code 0)
So unfortunately this didn't lead to any new revelations (to improve ABN) yet.
Although this looks strange: ABN Tx Total Bal 1922976.605973, Needed 1926795.382894,
This means the wallet itself, when counting confirmed transactions (coinbases that are confirmed, and all tx's to yourself deeper than 6 confirms) calculates a balance of 1.9229MM, while the ABN coin selector seeks coins of depth 5+ that it would need 1.9267MM to make 256k weight, meaning there is one coin in your wallet (about 4K, probably a reward) that is not quite old enough to be used by ABN.
So by now the miner is probably mining again. Ill try to improve this message.
EDIT: Btw Orbis you can type 'exec getabnweight 256000 1' to see the details of the coins selected to arrive @ 256k.