Discord announcements channels weren't utilized for this specific change. All the other points you mentioned are being discussed here, Discord, and other social media channels. We've been discussing on Discord testnet and mining channel for weeks now. I also sent out a newsletter to 500+ subscribers. Are you on the newsletter list? https://www.biblepay.org/newsletter/
More than reasonable attempts were made to get the word out via e-mail and social media. I'm not sure why you missed the communications. Is there some other way you want to be notified?
You are joking right? You sent this update out to a newsletter but didn't bother to put it on the biblepay webpage? If a new user goes to the website, they have know nothing about POG. There are 634 pages on this thread, you expect a new user to go through that? Nowhere is it written how podc coexists with pog. Nowhere does it say how to tithe a certain amount.
This wiki post (which doesn't seem to be linked to other than from this forum) doesn't even explain how to enable POG: https://wiki.biblepay.org/Proof-of-Giving-for-Beginners
This doesn't mention POG: https://www.biblepay-central.org/en/documentations/mining-how-to/
I honestly don't know how you expect people to ever understand this coin. I work in IT and this system still perplexes me.
I think you are looking at the very old information - you should see this one we updated today:
This link says tithe=1 but on another post you said it should be over 2. Also how is someone going to find this link? If someone googles biblepay and goes to the website, they will never find it.
In the docs, we explain that the number is the tithe frequency in minutes. It should be over 2 if you use it.
We also accept 1 as a value for Default. This means it reverts to the network spork frequency (thats one tithe per 4 hours). So for newbies, use 1 - that is the simplest setup.
We are looking for a web developer who can handle maintenance of our wordpress website.