Are/have you been running MCM exclusively? And have you seen a slow down in the validation of work units? MCM require what is referred to as a wingman to validate the work units. Leading up to challenges, you will see numerous people deploying a tactic called bunkering where they load up their machines with a ton of work and then sit on the finished results waiting for the event to start so that they can dump all of the extra results during the challenge time frame. So, it is very possible a lot of your work was getting validated at a later time. Another possibility is that the points for work shifts slightly over time as part of the credit system used. You will find that for one person one type of work unit may pay better than for another person. The next day another work unit type may pay slightly better. In the end they kind of evens out.
not exclisively, there are few other tasks like:
11791 boinc 39 19 77004 36764 2372 R 106.2 0.0 14:28.92 wcgrid_mcm1_map
12779 boinc 39 19 77004 36676 2312 R 106.2 0.0 3:29.29 wcgrid_mcm1_map
415 boinc 39 19 77136 36916 2320 R 100.0 0.0 139:33.93 wcgrid_mcm1_map
1283 boinc 39 19 77136 36956 2380 R 100.0 0.0 130:30.20 wcgrid_mcm1_map
1514 boinc 39 19 77136 36880 2320 R 100.0 0.0 128:17.18 wcgrid_mcm1_map
1522 boinc 39 19 77136 36952 2380 R 100.0 0.0 128:08.43 wcgrid_mcm1_map
3015 boinc 39 19 77136 36856 2320 R 100.0 0.0 111:57.51 wcgrid_mcm1_map
3701 boinc 39 19 77136 36924 2380 R 100.0 0.0 104:22.62 wcgrid_mcm1_map
4085 boinc 39 19 77140 36908 2380 R 100.0 0.0 100:06.13 wcgrid_mcm1_map
4822 boinc 39 19 77140 36904 2380 R 100.0 0.0 91:31.32 wcgrid_mcm1_map
5533 boinc 39 19 77136 36892 2380 R 100.0 0.0 83:47.70 wcgrid_mcm1_map
6267 boinc 39 19 77136 36880 2380 R 100.0 0.0 75:32.74 wcgrid_mcm1_map
10016 boinc 39 19 77004 36744 2320 R 100.0 0.0 34:08.22 wcgrid_mcm1_map
11130 boinc 39 19 77004 36764 2320 R 100.0 0.0 21:42.24 wcgrid_mcm1_map
12005 boinc 39 19 77004 36700 2312 R 100.0 0.0 12:06.78 wcgrid_mcm1_map
23870 boinc 39 19 337244 272312 48300 R 100.0 0.2 238:54.78 wcgrid_mip1_ros
23879 boinc 39 19 437288 362752 54036 R 100.0 0.3 238:55.29 wcgrid_mip1_ros
25413 boinc 39 19 407968 333420 53936 R 100.0 0.3 222:01.77 wcgrid_mip1_ros
25990 boinc 39 19 77268 37024 2380 R 100.0 0.0 215:37.21 wcgrid_mcm1_map
26771 boinc 39 19 77268 37016 2380 R 100.0 0.0 206:55.13 wcgrid_mcm1_map
26909 boinc 39 19 77272 37032 2380 R 100.0 0.0 205:26.09 wcgrid_mcm1_map
27058 boinc 39 19 77268 36968 2320 R 100.0 0.0 203:46.33 wcgrid_mcm1_map
28532 boinc 39 19 77136 37008 2380 R 100.0 0.0 187:26.61 wcgrid_mcm1_map
28944 boinc 39 19 77136 36992 2380 R 100.0 0.0 182:51.89 wcgrid_mcm1_map
30477 boinc 39 19 77140 36992 2380 R 100.0 0.0 165:53.40 wcgrid_mcm1_map
31516 boinc 39 19 77136 36972 2380 R 100.0 0.0 154:22.63 wcgrid_mcm1_map
31525 boinc 39 19 77136 36972 2380 R 100.0 0.0 154:17.46 wcgrid_mcm1_map
31554 boinc 39 19 77136 36976 2380 R 100.0 0.0 154:01.24 wcgrid_mcm1_map
31640 boinc 39 19 77136 36968 2380 R 100.0 0.0 153:03.18 wcgrid_mcm1_map
32117 boinc 39 19 77136 36968 2380 R 100.0 0.0 147:42.83 wcgrid_mcm1_map
1043 boinc 39 19 77136 36880 2320 R 93.8 0.0 133:00.77 wcgrid_mcm1_map
2198 boinc 39 19 77136 36928 2380 R 93.8 0.0 120:52.40 wcgrid_mcm1_map
but i was not using bunkering and i have big tasks queue, about 1000 tasks/machine so i'm not suffering from not having tasks
we will see during next days
Just to be clear, I'm not implying that you are having trouble getting tasks. I'm saying the MCM tasks that you complete require a second person to also complete that work unit to verify it. No points are awarded until the work unit is returned AND verified. So, if someone else is bunkering, they may not return their work until their 10 day deadline approaches. Thus you may not have credit for your completed work units until they return theirs. IF they didn't complete on time, then someone else will be sent work units (typically a 4 day deadline) and then you have to wait for them to complete it and return it. So, in some instances you may have to wait up to 2 weeks or more to get the credit. When someone bunkers thousands of work units all at once, there is a possibility that several of your work units are not verified until they turn theirs in. That is why I was asking. If you look at each work unit on the WCG website, you can sort your work units by what is pending verification and pending validation (different scenarios). If your pendings have grown, it is probably from bunkering this large challenge.
If it isn't the pending work, then it is possible that the large amounts of people focusing on the WCG Birthday Challenge may be a case where the credits are adjusting based on other hardware being brought online. WCG uses a form of the Credit New credit system with a few modification the last I knew. Which means over time the points will adjust based on everyone else.