Thanks everyone for all of your hard work on BBP recently. With the stock market turning down this week, it seems financial instability is on the rise, and it is comforting that Biblepay exists as a fallback system. All the hard work has made this happen, and the work in progress gives confidence in its future.
Just to mention a technical topic on my mind, I usually keep my wallet computer off, and turn it on each day and send a "exec podcupdate true" PODC update manually. However, sometimes the wallet sends an update on its own at the same time, and one PODCupdate goes out with only the remainder of coins staked. This would reduce my daily payment unless I wait 6 confirmations and send out a new one. Is there anyway to have it not send 2 updates in this case? Not sure how many people update like this, but I thought I'd ask the question.
Best to all,
This is similar to what happens if you run more than 1 wallet without the utxooverride.
In your case I think the simplest solution would be to either set gen=0 in the config since you are doing the send yourself, or just let the wallet sync and sit a few minutes until it creates the transaction.
His response: "I can’t take the opinions of a religious cryptocurrency seriously."
Not being taken seriously is one of the first steps in the ladder to success.
I would consider it as a good sign.
It's still sharing us with the public even if he is trying to insult us.