i wrote here this problem with explorer 7-8 months ago= main dev ROB didnt know how it working
ppl= do you know how much coins is mined to this day?
So actually the interesting thing is that the block explorer can calculate the total coin supply in several different ways. Here's what the config says:
// how to calculate current coin supply
// COINBASE : total sent from coinbase (PoW)
// GETINFO : retreive from getinfo api call (PoS)
// HEAVY: retreive from heavys getsupply api call
// BALANCES : total of all address balances
// TXOUTSET : retreive from gettxoutsetinfo api call
I assume that the gettxoutsetinfo call is the most accurate one, but to match the other explorers as closely as possible, I didn't end up using that in mine. Togo and I noticed some differences between the 3 explorers and the api call, but the closest was COINBASE.