I am also terribly confused as to what the heck has gone on, I mined this quite a bit when it first came out, getting many coins per hour. now i get less than 1 coin an hour? and that coin is like .003 cents? I understand this is not all about profit, and have no issue with that. BUT, with no real information on what quite a few of these changes are.. like the whole RAC/staking thing. If i have to have 500k coins to get full mining reward, that is just crazy. Also, there is absolutely no clear information on this whole staking portion..when you stake, generally you get a chunk of coins a day.. i've been mining again for over a week, on a ryzen 7 1700x, and havent even recieved a payout, yet i keep losing coins to the PODC Update.
People should not have to surf through 300 pages of forums, to understand the significant changes that have been made. It would be very beneficial to get links on the biblepay.org website to reddit or other posts that actually discuss some of this. I totally understand you are trying to get people that are new to crypto also, and you do not want to freak them out and lose them, but you also can not alienate more in depth people and make information darned near impossible to find.
I've been "mining"/"staking" PODC for a week also, 8 core not one coin & mag is 0 my
rac is not zero and never included in any superblock(way over 50k coins also in wallet) so it stays mag 0. I do have a free heater on the positive note via the 8 core.
(I liked the idea of using rosetta but I've not been included all week in a superblock )
Hi ACP, I'll try to help if you like. First off, could you please post results of
exec getboincinfo
then please try
exec podcupdate true
Please also check your transactions and let me know if your PODC updates have been coming out.
Please also let me know what version BBP wallet you are running.
I assume that
a) you are on Rosetta and on team BiblePay
b) you leave your computer on and BBP wallet open

"Command": "getboincinfo",
"CPID": "203228MYCPIDNUMBER6acadacd9c1e209",
"Address": "BRSToqMYBBPADDYkjsdQuXpHAaBQ26rub3Nv",
"CPIDS": "20322MYCPUID6acadacd9c1e209;",
"CPID-Age (hours)": 422814,
"NextSuperblockHeight": 37105,
"NextSuperblockBudget": 1179301,
"203228e3ab1d4ca756acadacd9c1e209_ADDRESS": "BRSToqMYBBPADDYuXpHAaBQ26rub3Nv",
"203228e3ab1d4ca756acadacd9c1e209_RAC": 189.16,
"203228e3ab1d4ca756acadacd9c1e209_TEAM": 15044,
"203228e3ab1d4ca756acadacd9c1e209_TaskWeight": 100,
"203228e3ab1d4ca756acadacd9c1e209_UTXOWeight": 50000,
"Total_RAC": 189.16,
"Total Payments (One Day)": 0,
"Total Payments (One Week)": 0,
"Total Budget (One Day)": 0,
"Total Budget (One Week)": 7183560,
"Superblock Count (One Week)": 8,
"Superblock Hit Count (One Week)": 7,
"Superblock List": "36695,36490,36285,36080,35875,35670,35465",
"Last Superblock Height": 36900,
"Last Superblock Budget": 15375000,
"Last Superblock Payment": -1,
"Magnitude (One-Day)": 0,
"Magnitude (One-Week)": 0

exec podcupdate true

"Command": "podcupdate",
"PODCUpdate": "Processed (
over 1 CPID(s) successfully."
on version 1112
(I believe it is a matter of being included into the first superblock to start the process of Mag , my task weight and weight are 100 & 50k ect ect, maybe must keep patient because I can't see anything I'm doing wrong here)