I wanted to mention a feature we have coming at Christmas called E-commerce.
It lets US citizens buy products on amazon through the wallet (primarily because the wallet only supports address validation in the US at this time). We are working behind the scenes getting Walmart on board also. I have been notified that Europe deliveries will be possible in a few months if we have some volume in the US test market.
Anyway the reason I mention this is the pool website has additional new fields in the account settings page for name, address, city, state, phone. I just wanted to say this is only required for E-commerce for Pool purchases. Not for wallet purposes. So we are not trying to track you, the fields are optional, and those only need to be filled out if you want to buy some Great Tribulation food in the Pool.
As far as buying from the wallet, I'm working on this guide:
http://wiki.biblepay.org/EcommerceThere will be fields in the client that allow you to buy directly from the wallet without the pool.
Hopefully we will be the first crypto with built in Amazon products for sale. Now you can spend your biblepay on real products.
Hi Rob,
Just for clarity, the new e-commerce feature allows us to buy products through Amazon. Are they specific products (i.e. ones that you/someone else lists in the wallet) or could we buy something random from Amazon (for example, a socket wrench)?
I think being able to spend crypto using Amazon may allow us to get the volume enough for the debit card. Imagine that!
I love how many unique and novel features you are integrating into BBP. It is fascinating to see!
Thanks Rob, you are doing a great job!
EDIT: I remembered the word I was looking for!
This project is full of innovation!