In the mean time, the other thing that no one has reported is what happens when you run two copies of BBP against two different datadirectories on the Ryzen? If anyone can test that out and report back that would be immensely helpful also. I think inblue was going to try that on a server at one point.
Someone tried that on a Xeon before:
I just run 8 times biblepayd with genproclimit=1 on my Xeon E3-1245 v5 @ 3.5GHz
and now is 70583.5 hashps
Before with one biblepayd with genproclimit=8 I had about 68000 hashps so it's not big diffrent
I run gentoo linux 4.7.10-hardened with ZFS filesystem.
But I couldn't find a way to run multiple daemons. The .biblepaycore directory is locked when one daemon is running and I don't know how to point a second daemon to a different directory (or any other way to achieve it). How to do it without editing the source code and recompiling for every instance?
Oh wow, great info, I didnt see that post, cool.
You can specify the -datadir for each launched instance to be different and share the same box with the same codebase.
OK, thanks! So here's what I did, for documentation purposes:
$ cd ~
$ cp -r .biblepaycore/ .biblepaycore2/
$ cd /usr/local/bin
$ ./biblepayd -daemon
$ ./biblepayd -daemon -datadir=/home/inblue/.biblepaycore2
First I got this error:
2017-09-27 21:19:30 Binding RPC on address ::1 port 39000 failed.
2017-09-27 21:19:30 Binding RPC on address port 39000 failed.
2017-09-27 21:19:30 Unable to bind any endpoint for RPC server
2017-09-27 21:19:30 Error: Unable to start HTTP server. See debug log for details.
Then I added this to biblepay.conf in .biblepaycore2:
Then after starting it again I got this error:
Error: Unable to bind to on this computer. Biblepay Core is probably already running.
Error: Failed to listen on any port. Use -listen=0 if you want this.
So then I run:
$ ./biblepayd -daemon -datadir=/home/inblue/.biblepaycore2 -listen=0
I don't know if it can run normally with listen=0, but it seems to start fine. Now I see both processes and they seem to be running as they should, each consuming about half of the CPU (around 500% each of a 10 core CPU which is 1000%):
4447 inblue 20 0 2009596 70020 20180 S 503.7 0.8 24:04.27 biblepayd
4568 inblue 20 0 1861720 68544 20216 S 494.4 0.7 4:43.99 biblepayd
But I have no clue how to access separate CLIs for each daemon. When I type
./biblepay-cli getmininginfo, I only get info from one of them. How to get info from the other one? Also, when I type
./biblepay-cli stop, both of them stop.