If governments ever endorsed it, I'd be kinda suspicious about their endorsement. Bitcoin is not something they want, so endorsing your enemy is against my logical way of thinking
Well, that largely depends on your point of view
In this case, on the point of view of a particular government, of course. It is certainly true with respect to nations issuing their own fiat money, for example, dollars, rubles, whatever. But there is a small number of nations as well that don't enjoy a fiat currency of their own invention (say, Panama or Ecuador). Instead, they are using a currency of some other country (in the total majority of cases, the American dollar), and in this very specific case, such countries may actually take a genuinely friendly stance toward crypto. The same approach seems to be applicable, at least to a degree, to some countries in the Eurozone, which are not altogether hostile to Bitcoin and its little cousins
Why people might choose to abandon it is a different question, but it is entirely possible
There are reasons such as something better than it popping up. If nobody thought of the idea of Bitcoin before (or thought about it but never put it into reality), we may not have any idea what other decentralized currency could be coming up soon. Maybe something that will be more fair than Bitcoin, more decentralized, more flexible and scalable, under a different structure than blockchain and much easier to use
I'm always telling the same thing essentially, that we can't envisage what future technologies will be like as otherwise they wouldn't be
future technologies anymore