Has anyone heard from BIPS/Kris recently?
Two days since last response, now BIPS site is barely loading. Lots of traffic or perhaps another DDOS?
At this point I'm assuming the money is gone and it'll be quite a fight with BIPS to get it compensated for, but any information would be welcome.
Nop, not a single word from Mr. Kris Henriksen or anyone else at BIPS. I'm resending a support ticket and e-mail everyday now until someone answer my two simple questions of 1) is the money gone forever, and 2) will BIPS compensate me for any part of the lost value.
But nothing yet. However Kris does of some reason have infinite time to talk to the press about what happened where he always denies the claim of running away himself with the bitcoins, so he obviously read the Bitcoin Forum and probably this message too (Hello Kris!, nice to see you here) =)
This mess starts to become a slapstick comedy from their part. I mean, it's not that I want Kris or anyone at BIPS to walk away from their house or not be able to feed their family because of this. I will survive even if my money is never returned.
Now it's all about standing up as a honest human being facing the consequenses of your actions and promises. If you as a individual or a company make a promise to your clients that their critical data is safe with you, and that promise is broken. Well then you can choose two ways to handle this; A) Say you're sorry and that you will try to make it up to them even if the data is gone forever, or B) Tell your clients in a fancy way that they are idiots that trusted you in the first place.
Anyone choosing route B, i.g rationalizing away their role of accountability by arrogance, can expect people to be pretty angry with them for a very very very long time. This individual or company has consumed their right to operate in a free market, and should be shut down in it's existing form as an example of unacceptable business ethics. Case closed.
If Kris make some leagal research himself, like my business lawyer did, he will soon find out that there are plenty similar situations in the old financial world. Multiple financial services will ask for your money to hold them for you for free, or even paying you a good interest rate. It's a free service/wallet/account BUT the receiver are fully responsible for your money while kept in their hands. If it was stolen, they would have to pay it back or close business.
So, for Kris as the CEO of BIPS to act like nothing has happened (choosing route B) he is simply asking for a legal/social backlash. Everyone in the bitcoin community have the right to know if this is a viable business strategy in the future of digital money, and we will use this case to find out (so we atleast get something positive out of this mess). If BIPS goes free, then that is the end of this story. If not, BIPS pays up or close business. Kris will survive, keep his house and feeding his family – but with another company and hopefully alot more humble...