or you can prove me and many others wring,,,
lmao.. you cant read can you... if you wanna invest in a coin where three people hold half the coins and got in for FREE then be my guest.. i for one am out!
lol, yeah you made 500BTC off of this. I know, if your truly out then why not buy back 500BTC worth of coins and burn them
He made more than that. He made 691 BTC since he pocketed it. And his friend made 191 BTC.
The only ones willing to pay were me Steven and Lin. (this doesnt include Gekkos fake bill)
Plus many more in BAYs that they sold, many, many, many more, lets keep the record straight. And they will keep on selling quite a few millions more, don't forget Turd. Them and YOU!
LOL, i like you... cant we be friends??