To Brock, me
Hi Brock,
Just wanted to take a moment to introduce you to Dmitry, who is cc:ed in this email. Dmitry oversees the Bitcoin100 and we had a chance to meet in person recently in Toronto and he graciously volunteers his time to administer the project.
Dmitry, Brock is currently involved with War Child Canada and has expressed an interest in the Bitcoin 100. Brock, from here, just let Dmitry know that you're interested along with a link to the War Child site and let him know that you are looking to implement it within your organization. As I mentioned, if you need any help around the technical implementation / executive buy-in parts, just let me know!
Awesome! Thanks Jason.
Dmitry, I would love to get the ball rolling on helping War Child accept Bitcoin donations. Here is the link to our site: (we have a splash page up for the holidays, FYI)
We haven't started this at all, and I understand that's exactly the types of organizations you're interested in helping out.
Like Jason hinted at, I've got a little bit of internal convincing to do in the New Year but nothing I can't handle with some behind the scenes help from Jason.
Didn't see any problems with this one.
Then there's this
Hello Dmitry
My name is Amanda Furst. I am the founder of Growing Opportunities International (GO!), a Canadian-based non-profit organization that partners with individuals in developing countries that have sustainable project ideas to positively impact their community. To date, GO! has built a nursery school complete with rain water catchment system, play structure and library in rural Rwanda and is in the process of creating Hero Home - a Community Sports Centre and home for street kids and orphans in Northern Tanzania.
I recently came across your website, and love what you guys are doing. I am currently set up on our website to receive bitcoin donations and would love to join with bitcoin100 to help GO! gain more exposure in the bitcoin community. Our website is Currently we have a bitcoin widget that we got from but we are looking to develop a widget that is a bit bigger and more attractive. We are also set up to receive litecoin and peercoin donations. Furthermore, we run Swahili Tutorial series on youtube and are advertising that if people enjoy the videos, they could consider making a donation either in cash or in bitcoin.
If possible, GO! would absolutely love to be part of bitcoin100. Is there an application process to be considered?
If you require any additional information about GO! please feel free to contact me at
Thank you for your time and the work you are doing to support non-profits in need.
Happy Holidays.
Amanda Furst
GO! Founder
Another one of those "Great charity! But they accept bitcoin already
Should we just set the rule as "if you recently started accepting, you still qualify," with "recently" being within a month or two?