Just got an e-mail from them today, and was wondering when they started taking bitcoin donations, until I saw your post. Here's the e-mail
From: Shannon
Hi Dmitry, my name is Shannon Forsythe and I am the Executive Director of
Run2 Rescue, a US non-profit that helps girls who have hurt by sex
trafficking. SeansOutpost on reddit informed me about Bitcoin100 and
advised me to contact you about supporting and listing our organization.
I'm not sure what information you need from us but our website is
run2rescue.com and the donation page on our site is at:
run2rescue.com/donate.html which includes our Bitcoin address.
Let me me know if there is any documentation or anything else you need.
Thank you for work in helping non-profits and thank you for your
consideration and time,
Shannon Forsythe
Executive Director
Run 2 Rescue
These guys were just recently convinced to take bitcoin donations (like, today I think), so they may still qualify. Maybe. We need to discuss this further.
So far what we've agreed upon is:
If a charity is owned by a bitcoiner, it shouldn't qualify
If a charity has already been receiving bitcoin for a while, it shouldn't qualify
Bot of these reasons are because Bitcoin100 is supposed to entice new charities to accept bitcoin. Possibly charities who wouldn't have considered it otherwise. But is there a cutoff point to this? For example, what if someone convinces a charity to accept bitcoin, and then as soon as they do, points them to us? In this case, the charity wasn't convinced to take bitcoin specifically because of our $1,000 reward, but should we keep from rewarding them for taking the step anyway?
SOB! I like these folks, but it looks like there's another issue that has to be taken into consideration:
http://run2rescue.com/Run 2 Rescue is a Christian
non-profit organization committed to
restoring victims of sex trafficking.
Unfortunately, that negates...
http://bitcoin100.org/Bitcoin100 donates the Bitcoin equivalent of $1000 to non-political, secular charities that prominently display an option for supporters to contribute via Bitcoin on their website.
Looks like what's needed is a non-secular Bitcoin NPO to fill that gap. Bitcoin 100 well endorse any such entities as long as they pay us the monthly 10% franchise fee.
Clearly, I was only kidding, but we would love to endorse any Bitcoiner(s) that's willing to take on said task and is somehow proven to be honorable.
~Bruno Kucinskas