Nevertheless what everybody thinks is not relevant.Acts and results matter.
After a really shitty day(invested heavily on gold) i cooled down and went in philosophic mode:
We all are pioneers in sthg brand new.And as such, extreme caution is needed regardless the rush a quick profit creates in our head.(i sent money cause the Ask was low and i could make an extra buck

This is trading a new currency guys and bad things happen even with big regulated firms:
and these are examples of the past year
Don't get me wrong,i want my money and i will do more than i can to get them back....
..but this is a part of The Game
Bite the bullet and get your shit together.That goes to you too Simon
better an honest amateur than a stealing professional...
i got 70 btc on my btc24 account. i have the feeling it will be resolved. die hoffnung stirbt zuletzt... (hope dies at the very end only)