Nobody today is getting a paycheck from 20 years ago. They are getting a paycheck today. Paychecks have not been "devalued".
In 1950, the median American family income was $3,216
In 2016, the median American family income was $56, 516
A dollar is not an investment. A dollar is a dollar. A dollar in 1950 is worth 1 dollar today. No change.
Things in the U.S. are priced in dollars, that's why we say the dollar is the currency of the U.S.
Nobody holds dollars as an investment. People hold stocks, bonds, real estate, art, cars, etc. as investments. Those are PRICED in dollars. They are not dollars. That is the difference between a currency and an asset.
A currency does not "devalue" assets. A currency is what assets are priced in.
A bank deposit is not a dollar. A bank deposit is a loan to a bank. You get paid interest for putting money in a bank unless you don't because you have such a small amount of money that the bank's overhead is too much for them to pay you interest. Fixed income is not "devalued" over time, it pays interest over time. Whether you choose to reinvest that or not is up to you.
"A dollar in 1950 is worth a dollar today."Man, go read some books about economics and check for the term
"inflation".A dollar back in 1950 ISN`T worth a dollar now because of the inflation.
The currency does not devalue accets,the central bank devalues the currency by printing more and more paper money and the accet prices in dollars increase.
Bitcoin is better than paper money because the supply of new bitcoins is reduced.