When someone doesn't have the ability to buy land, they should try investing in Bitcoin because here people can buy in any amount. But what I mean is previous people, especially my parents, who bought several plots of land when the price was much cheaper and now the price of the land has soared to ten times the initial purchase. Land still has enough potential to be invested and perhaps talking about price means that people are quite limited in being able to buy it, in contrast to bitcoin which can be bought in whatever amount they want and according to the finances they have.
The potential value growth of the two assets (bitcoin and land) and the risks are different. As a bitcoin user and holder, I remain of the opinion that bitcoin is far more likely to have a more profitable performance than land. However, I also cannot deny that land investment can also provide benefits as long as the location is strategic for development.
I agree that land investment usually requires a large budget if we want a strategic location. Bitcoin is different, you and anyone else can buy it with a minimal budget (eg: $10, $20 and soo on) and it is impossible to buy land with the same budget. But instead of just having bitcoin, then I tend to think having both assets is a good thing as long as we have a budget. This is asset diversification which in turn can minimize risks for investors.
For people who have a lot of money, trying several aspects of investment will be much better because it will provide a number of benefits in different sectors, such as buying land or gold as a step to maintain better cash flow. As long as we can take advantage of a number of existing opportunities, we will automatically benefit from the various investment capital we make.
Yes, diversification is a wise recommendation. I like diversification, even at the same time I also have bitcoin, altcoins, land, gold and several other valuable assets. It all depends on each individual's investment goals and risk tolerance, but diversification is one thing that perhaps should not be completely ignored.