You've got a really long ride ahead for you OP, your health might not be in the clear right now but I'm telling you that you're going to be fine someday and hopefully when that time comes, you've saved so much bitcoin that when you sell it during it's peak or when the price that you've set to sell your bitcoin comes, you'll be profiting so much from your very long hodl, stay strong and good luck and your journey.
Believe it or not crypto is helping a lot of people to make their life or future better.
There are so many people who are using crypto as another source of income, while other's are using it to hold their savings and earn more than they could get if they just let it sleep on their bank account.
Crypto has given us a chance to earn more than what we could and made it easier for every to start their investment journey.
I don't ever see a person that didn't believe that bitcoin can change someone's life because I feel like even if you're opposed to it, you'd still see people that have changed their lives with bitcoin, for better or worse. There's no way that anyone can deny that it change's the lives of people anyway. I think that there's more people that are using it as a way to save money because there's really not a lot of ways that you can have bitcoin or any crypto for that matter to be a source of income, unless you're running a business that heavily involves it, there's not a lot, most likely that there's more that are using it as savings rather than money making because savings is more guaranteed especially with profit.