their other issue was when promoting a new legal tender many citizens thought it was about stopping the utility of fiat in the area to be 100% crypto. which many citizens thought was an impedance to finance not a new extra option/freedom
again those first few months were hit with resistance due to bad promotions where people thought they were being forced to only use crypto in a manner that was not actually the true crypto they were mentioning.
How sure are you with both of these? You'd think someone that's actually from El Salvador knows that BTC was only an alternative, due to the fact that most people still pay with fiat money.
well yea now in hindsight after the events of last year people in el salvador knew that fiat was still used..
check the news of last year(before/at the time) .. there were PROTESTS
so, read why they protested(not after the adoption, but before/at). they were protesting against bitcoin because they thought crypto was a compulsory REPLACEMENT legal tender not a second option extra legal tender. they were initially calling the president an authoritarian for implementing a change of legal tender which was unconstitutional.
translate: "wake up el salvador no to the dictatorship no to the reforms"
"total rejection of bitcoin
they feared not being able to continue using fiat
(once it was legal tender they realised they still used fiat.. where there then became other issues people experienced)
translate: "The Bitcoin bill must be repealed, it will bring more corruption and poverty"
within days of then using it. one protest reason stopped. and then the next one started.
it escalated to other things about the exchange rate losses as the international price of bitcoin dropped from $50k to $40k. also the problems with using the wallet where the bottlenecks were happening.
where they were saying the wallet was not fit for retail and couldnt cope with buying most popular stuff. etc etc