That's practically the bottom given that the top was $19,500. So you sold at the bottom and bought at the bottom ? Nice !

5,700$ is the top now, you can only dream to be able to sell it for that price, and based on your comment i can only assume that you don't know shit about trading, shorting btc at 5700$ and taking profit at 3k area is a ton of profit, btc fell almost 50% from that level, if i was to re-buy now i would have 1.5BTC for each 1 BTC sold at 5.7k , let alone buying at 3.2k. if you think that both 5700$ and 3200$ are bottoms then you need a brain check.

Ok, you know a lot of shit about trading. But what would be more profitable if I want to make some money from the Bitcoin market today, your active day trading strategy, or the HODL?