There are some conspiracy theories about Bitcoin. To those who belive that everyting IS a conspiracy- you are WRONG (sorry to destroy your worldview). On the other hand, for those that think that EVERY conspiracy theory is just plain nonsense, you are WRONG also (sorry to destroy your worldview). This is a fact, check history.
As some of you may know there are "economic conspiracy theories" regarding the comming collapse of US (petro)dollar, and the end of dollar status as the world reserve currency and his replacement with basket of currencies or gold-back- yuan (Chinese currency). The underlying base issue is that USA and western economies in general are not in a good shape, the numbers (inflation, unemployement, GDP etc.) are manipulated to look better than what they really are, and there should be a much worse recesion than that in 2008 (in the upcoming months or few years...), maybe even worse than the recesion in 1913. How does bitcoin relate to this?
The conspiracies say that Bitcoin is a product of some government (probably western, probably USA) to somehow manipulate the current (bad economic)situation. Its true that the NSA has known about the possibilities (threats) of crypto currencies as back as of 1996 (really, look it up on web), and bitcoin is build up on sha-256 which was developed i think by usa military or darpa or NSA, so they COULD have (not "have", but "could have")some backdoor mechanism there to break it if wanted). Also the gov. may have i dont know, maybe even quantum computers these days. Its a common knowledge that military/gov. is few years of development ahead than anybody "outside" thinks. Throw in the absolutely weird senate hearings in USA which were somehow mysteriously in favour of bitcoin, also the weird fact that bitcoin wasnt already banned worldwide (which it should have been cause its threating the status of paper printed national currencies(which isnt somethine any state would like)) and throw in also the mysterious Satoshi Nakamoto indentity... Ugh and also one "possible big enemy" of USA, china has been negative on bitcoin...and you have a nice "conspiracy theory playground". Also theres the theory of so called "New World Order" (in which i dont belive fully) that wants 1 united world goverment and 1 global currency.
So lets be a little bit crazy, lets say for a moment that theres really some government (or secret service) plot behind bitcoin (lets say its the USA), and lets conspire :-). What would be the reason for something like this:
(Also please people, reply only if you know something about the subject (if you dont )know what a petrodolar is for example, its probably not worth for you to even bother with this thread))
1) USA wants to prevent china from having a world reserve currency (gold back?) yuan? The dollar will probably be soon dead so it needs something else, and here comes the old (1996) idea of crypto currencies... Its made to look as it was developed by some "random inteligent independent liberty loving dude" to encourage the adoption ("by the people for the people"). And USA will as time rises become stronger and stronger advocate of Bitcoin... (just to try to stand ground and somehow try to cripple the rising power of YUAN (China), trying to prevent it from becoming as strong as it could be by offering (secretly) an alternative - bitcoin. Its also worth considering, that USA probably doesnt have any gold in FED or Fort Knox (see Germany gold repatriation problem), so if china backs it currency by gold (the only on the world, making it theoretically very demanded), the USA has nothing to respond with, it has no gold, the dollar is inflated like hell, and the whole economy is crippled. China is the strong one here (bully) and USA the weaker one, if usa wants to win, it has to play inteligently because it has "nothing", so it comes secretly with this revolutionary concept of Bitcoin (which doesnt cost them a penny to make (almost)) :-), wouldnt it be a briliant idea :-)!? Also dont forget that usa pulled of similiar and original trick "before" when the dollar was unplugged totally from the gold standard, and thus was "just a paper" overnight (threating to lose the status of world reserve currency) and Henry Kissinger (or someone) came with original and briliant idea to peg it with oil producing countries, thus giving birth to a petrol dolar :-). Do you see the similiarities :-)? (Im not saying its this way totally, but both seems similiar and almost brilliant strategic moves)
2) This is separate theory, or it could enhance the previous. USA (gov. secret service i dont know) didnt just invent bitcoin, but it has also a backdoor in it (im not a programmer), it has backdoor to sha-256 algorythm, or it (gov) has currently acces to greater computing power than anybody thinks (maybe quantum computers...). Gov. are ahead of the development, think of stealth bombers (the technology existed (far?) before it was "shown" to the public) etc. So USA might almost fully adopt bitcoin as its own (+western countries) currency in the future just to offset the role or Yuan (china+russia aliance+BRICS). And because of the backdoor, theres the possibility to secretly inflate if needed (in the long term)
3) The Bitcoin is a true, well intended, true and honest idea, no conspiracy involved. The gov. of course doesnt like bitcoin (who would give up the power to print money voluntarily) and has its own plan for the dolar collapse, economic problems, possible one world future currency. It will let bitcoin become more spread and when will all look "sunshine and butterflies" and the bitcoin would be gaining more and more confidence, they will step in and under some pretex ban all bussines from accepting bitcoin, thus DESTROYing bitcoin price and bitcoin itself, leaving many "investors" poor and effectivelly killing any fate in the cryptocurrency concept in general... At least i would do it this way, its more effective and youll be sure that people will stay away from any other future cryptocurrencies bearing the fatal crash they experienced with bitcoin... Be nice, nice, nice, let it grow, noobs (masses) will come, everyting looks nice and then, CRASH. Masses willl bear the feeling of their vanishing savings a long time after this and will BEG for fiat :-). Quick and effective.
4) Bitcoin is really the "one global currency" that supposedly NWO wants (check NWO (new world order) on google. When the global financial system fails, the banks fail, bail-ins, bail-outs, savings vanishing, here comes the saver... the Bitcoin... Which would then ("naturally" (read secretly pushed)) become the one world currency, with (supposedly) peoples choice :-)... (but i dont really belive fully in NWO so...)
If we accept that theres is a conspiracy in Bitcoin (just for the sake of this discusion if you dont belive in it), what version is the most possible? I belive version 1 (or 2), or even 3, whats your opinion on this?