How to uninstall bitcoin core without losing the data, in Lubntu Linux. I installed by downlowding the tar file, not an installer, and now want to uninstall so I can then insatall the earlier 0.13 version as the current one doesn't let me make payments (broadcast) using armory ?
I read that I just need to overwrite the binaries but it's such a a pain to overwrite or remove/add anything from the usr protected folders in linux...
You uninstall it by deleting the files that you extracted from the original tar file. Or you can extract the 0.13.2 tar file the exact same way you did with the 0.14.0 tar file and just overwrite anything that conflicts. Either way, you won't lose any data or any of the blockchain since that is stored elsewhere.
Thanks, just wondering if the linux command like sudo apt-get remove bitcoind would only remove the executable files not the data. But I think I will just have to go through the process that you mention, which is a pain as have to use special commands to allow me to overwrite and delte things.
For the benefit of others looking for how to UNINSTALL or INSTALL an OLDER or NEWER VERSION of bitcoin core. this is what I've done in Lubuntu Linux:
I wanted to downgrade from bitcoin core 0.14 to version 0.13.2
1) After dowloading the tar file, uncompressing it and verifying, I have a resulting folder:
This folder contains three folders: bin, include and lib.
2) Removed the previous folder from previous version bitcoin-0.14.0 from where I currently had it:
To do so I need to have full privileges:
Copy stuff to usr/bin and other places that don't give permission
gksudo pcmanfm <---opens file manager with super permission
Also deleted the bitcoin-qt from where it was currently installed (using the gkksudo pcmanfm command of course):
3) Now version 0.14 is removed.
To put in it's place 0.13.2 version, and using again the gkksudo pcmanfm command that gives privileges to write to /usr and /bin dolders:
- Copy the bitcoin-0.13.2 folder to /usr
- Take the bitcoin-qt file that is inside bitcoin-0.13.2/bin and copy (not move) to /bin
Note: Before replacing the newer for the older version I had set path for the terminal command bitcoin-qt to use bitcoin-qt inside that /bin folder. In your case you might have to set it yourself, but setting a path is up to you to look up.