I made a BTC deposit worth 1EUR, it costs 0.00102300 BTC (I have calculated that you used this exchange rate: 977.5 EUR/BTC)
After that I made a BTC deposit worth 1USD, it costs 0.00096200 BTC (I have calculated that you used this exchange rate: 1039.5 USD/BTC)
Considering that exchange rate is approx. 2480USD/BTC and 2150 EUR/BTC, I must ask why are you so expensive? What exchange rate are you using?!
What BTC value are you talking about, with or without the network fee? Can you show the deposit address of the transaction?
Uquid is using Bitpay as their exchange, you can see that spot price using their API:
https://bitpay.com/api/rates/EURhttps://bitpay.com/api/rates/USDThere is an extra 1% fee that Bitpay charges the merchant (Uquid), which is calculated into the price (you will see that when you
compate the API spot price and what appears on your screen when doing the deposit). But this 1% does not explain the difference in price you saw.
we already send you explain about this transaction
at the moment all transaction with bitcoin sender have to pay a fees call "network fees"
and bitpay also charge this fees .
if the amount requested is 0.001023 that already included the "network fees : a fixed small fees for any transaction"
but if you pay do not correct this amount then your deposit will get lower credit ( the bitcoin network fees now about 0.000519 BTC and bitpay charge all transaction this fixed amount)
if you still do not clear please speak with our team we help you further information
UQ Team