Joerg and Trace seem to want the Foundation to be in charge of development at some level, which I find very dangerous for any legally-defined organization to do. I'd prefer the Foundation to be totally uninvolved in Bitcoin-Qt development and focus more on legal stuff, behaving more like the NRA or EFF. It'd also dangerous for one US-based Foundation to act as some sort of oversight organization for many Bitcoin Foundations worldwide; the Foundation should help international organizations, but each organization should be separate in order to maximize decentralization. Elizabeth said some nice things in these areas.
I wish someone would have corrected Trace when he was complaining about the Foundation taking money from people and then removing them from The Foundation has nothing to do with, so this is a ridiculous complaint.
I liked most of what Elizabeth, Ben, and Luke said here. I'd be satisfied if any of them won, though I think that Elizabeth is the best candidate.
I will vote today.