You really think it has anything to do with people wanting to know non-public information?
Of course it does, that's what the vast majority of the "questions" center around.
1. Mis-leading statements & advertising on delivery schedule
There are no intentionally misleading statements or advertising. Statements and advertising were given as what was believed to be true at the time. If you can't see that, it's impossible to continue this line of discussion and serves as a direct example as to why it's impossible to hold a rational conversation with people on this forum. The fact that you (apparently) honestly believe that this was some sort of scam from it's inception, with a complicated, methodical and intricate plot to dissemination misinformation and advertising is why no rational answer will satisfy.
2. Mis-leading statements on performance claims initially
See #1 above. If you honestly believe we knew our power usage was going to be something other than what we said it was, it serves as yet another example of why it's impossible to hold a rational conversation. You already have it in your mind that there was wrongdoing and that things were the way you want them to be, as opposed to what they really were.
3. Disrespectful Customer service primarily by you (Josh)
Ok, lets address this. I seriously doubt I can get a rational response out of you with regards to this, but I will try to hold a rational conversation, but first I need one thing from you, because this one thing will illustrate my further dialog.
Please provide an example of disrespectful customer service that I have initiated. I ask this of you because I only respond disrespectfully to people who approach in a disrespectful, rude, offensive or otherwise unacceptable manner. I do not initiate hostile dialog, merely respond to it. This point was lost long ago on most people, because they are inherently irrational in their hatred of BFL. If you begin a dialog by lying, posting false information, writing in an exceptionally rude manner, etc... you can expect the same in return, as I have no respect or use for you. On the other hand, as so (sadly) few people have found out, when you approach the situation with common courtesy, rationality and respect, you get the same in return.
Now, before you provide "evidence" of one of the typical troll crew asking "polite" information, please take into account past actions. Once you have a history of trolling and being a general ass hat, it doesn't matter how you continue down the line, you are already completely useless to the conversation and no amount of concern-trolling will repair that situation. With that in mind, please provide examples of where someone approached the dialog in a polite, respectful manner from the get-go and got a vitriolic, disrespectful response. Bear in mind, I'm not saying it hasn't happened on the rare occasion (though I can't think of any, honestly), but those instances, if they even exist are so few and far between that they don't really apply in this context that you are referring to (That of a systemic, unilateral response paradigm from me).
4. Whole-fully inadequate customer service responses that basically were intentionally misleading to cover for issue #2 mentioned above.
This seems like part of the above, which has already been addressed. Again, what you consider inadequate usually means it is some sort of information you *really* *really* want to know but aren't *really* entitled to.
Note: If I came across as directly advocating BCF to do this action, it should not be taken there because I have no business relationship with BFL so I was not directly affected by these claims that have been brought up many times by many miners. What I was addressing that if BCF did take this issue on, it would give them creditability for addressing an issue that rightly or wrongly is a big issue with a large amount of miners. If anything, they would be doing you a favor by opening a dialogue with BFL and allow you to address and make amends to issues which I DO believe are valid. I am just not advocating that BCF do that, by I am giving the observation that it would help them with a core group of users.
Again, how would this "core group of users" you are referring to be helped if BCF "went after" BFL? You still haven't answered this question.