Three days to go, I would assume this prediction is wrong? I really don't see bitcoin rallying above $450. We will not see $500 before September or maybe October.
the OP let his ego guided by the excitement, like many else, but it's clear enough that we aren't even to beat the 300 wall, i better prediction would have been "$300 by the end of the month"
I believe the OP made his prediction on TA. Something I find useful, but usually not a good tool for immediate predictions. If it was, everyone would be millionaires. On the other hand there is an incredible amount of bad economic news that is being ignored. All time high numbers of unemployed (regardless of official BS numbers). People are no longer counted if they can't find a job and their unemployment checks run out. There are record numbers of people not in the work force, record numbers on government aid, and record debt all at the same time. numbers of people on food stamps and welfare. you have shrinking middle class income, record debt, and record taxes. is going up even faster the regressive tax code. all adds up to financial disaster.
So I'm sticking to my prediction of at least $600 per Bitcoin before the end of the year. It could easily be twice that, but I think $600 is a very easy target as this liberal created economic disaster unfolds. I believe we will see a stock market collapse before the end of the year. A market implosion that will include China, Europe, and the US, and no way to stop it., and one of the most important aspects is the stock market has been artificially "Pumped" by zero percent interest rates. When rates start rising it will get very ugly.