Lets just keep it a bit realistic and say 350 for each bitcoin within a month would be a nice growth even breaking the 300 per bitcoin mark to signal some new investors bitcoin is back
Yeah, realistic like Greece defaulting on nearly $400 billion, and Puerto Rico defaulting on another $72 billion in the same week.
Or 15 times Cyprus, when Bitcoin went through the roof. Not to mention the world has created about 40% more debt since then, derivatives somewhere around $1.4 Quadrillion, inflation is higher, interest rates near zero, and good paying jobs are a smaller and smaller fraction of the economy. Once the liberal Kool-Aid wears off there is going to be an intense hangover. That is just scratching the surface of where this ship is headed.
If experience has taught us anything, it's that these things happen with supposedly little warning. Usually there is plenty of evidence, but people refuse to accept the truth. I seem to recall back in 2008 the Fed telling us one morning that if we didn't print up a trillion dollars real fast the world's financial system would collapse. There were a number of credible economists pointing out the obvious, but everyone dismissed them as crackpots. The same thing is happening again, only this time it is exponentially worse.
http://www.businessinsider.com/hsbcs-stephen-king-on-the-world-economy-2015-5?google_editors_picks=trueThe other thing that no one seems to be taking into consideration is how they expect a country like Greece to become a surplus nation?
Almost every country you can name takes on more debt each year. When will the credit cards run out? The fact is that there are very few countries that aren't bankrupt.
http://www.usdebtclock.org/world-debt-clock.htmlIt's all good, nothing to see here...
http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/07/07/usa-imf-idUSL1N0ZN14S20150707At the moment the world's stock markets seem to believe there is a good chance of striking a bailout deal with Greece.
http://www.theguardian.com/world/live/2015/jul/07/greek-debt-crisis-alex-tsipras-seeks-last-chance-deal-liveIf that doesn't happen, the downside is going to be bigger than most people imagine. There will be more defaults coming...
Bitcoin will be looking more and more like a bargain, and one of the few safe places to put your money.