I think it's a great idea, I've got a small similar collection:
https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1P_yb9Z7RVZG86aI07TWaUA2mWDU0ZAxMuACo3HAiSBU/edit?usp=sharingin there somewhere (see the sources), it goes a bit like this
2010 -
Slashdot - A forum reply but still one of the first mentions of bitcoin on a public place.
Irish Times - Imagine your computer as a wallet full of Bitcoins
LWN.net - Bitcoin: Virtual money created by CPU cycles
Xfin.wordpress - BitCoin: a rube-goldberg machine for buying electricity
2011 -
C-Net - Bitcoin mentioned in a podcast and Buzz out Loud videos. & Senators target Bitcoin currency, citing drug sales
PC World - Could the Wikileaks Scandal Lead to New Virtual Currency?
Forbes - So, That's the End of Bitcoin Then
The NY Times - Speed Bumps on the Road to Virtual Cash
Time - Bitcoins: Does an Internet Currency Mean the Doom of the Dollar?
- Online Cash Bitcoin Could Challenge Governments, Banks
- Report: Police Confuse Bitcoin Miner’s Power Use for Growing Weed
The New Yorker - The Crypto Currency
The Calculating Investor - Why Bitcoin Will Fail as a Currency
Slashdot - Online-Only Currency BitCoin Reaches Dollar Parity
2012 -
Fortune - Bitcoin looks primed for money laundering
Slashdot - Large Bitcoin Ponzi Scheme Collapses With a Loss of $5.6 Million
Forbes - Bitcoin Foundation Launches To Drive Bitcoin's Advancement
Wired.com - FBI Fears Bitcoin’s Popularity with Criminals
Venturebeat.com - Bitcoin value spikes after hacker demands ransom in the currency
NetworkWorld - Bitcoin: Seven reasons to be wary
2013 -
MS-NBC - The mysterious Bitcoin
- Could Bitcoin be the currency of the future?
- The bitcoin — funny money or currency of the future?
- Bitcoin: Money of the future?
- Bitcoin breaks new ground during Senate scrutiny.
The NY Times - A Prediction: Bitcoin Is Doomed to Fail
Forbes - How You Should Have Spent $100 In 2013 (Hint: Bitcoin)
CNN - The Real Significance of the Bitcoin Boom (and Bust)
- Why cyber currency Bitcoin is trading at an all-time high (This was at around $40/btc)
C-net - Multiple stories of trojans that can use other's computers to mine btc, btc heists and thefts
- Much Ado About Bitcoin
The New Yorker - The bitcoin boom
Business Insider - Bitcoin Is A Joke
2014 -
New York Times -Time Inc. Begins Accepting Bitcoin Payments
CNN - Bitcoin: One year on from peak price, what does the future hold?
BusinessWeek - Bitcoin Dreams
MS-NBC - Are bitcoin future money or just a scam?
- Bitcoin's road to the future.
C-net - Should Bitcoins be banned?
- Expedia embraces -- and legitimizes – Bitcoin
FTAlphaville - Cult Markets: When the bubble bursts
2015 -
MS-NBC - Why bitcoins are important
-Wall street fears bitcoin
- Should we take bitcoin more seriously?
Fortune.com - How Wall Street got into the wild business of Bitcoin
Forbes - Is the world ready for Bitcoin to go mainstream?
Playboy - You'll soon be able to anonymously send people money with ease, and it will be a big deal
American Banker - Why Banks Are Testing Bitcoin's Blockchain (Without Bitcoin)
Yahoo Finance - Why financial firms are investigating bitcoin tech
Nasdaq.com - Is A Blockchain Without Bitcoin Possible Or Practical?
- Bit-bugs: Bitcoin as the New Safe haven
Washington Post - Bitcoin isn’t the future of money
- it’s either a Ponzi scheme or a pyramid scheme
Business Agenda, a major newspaper in the Philippines, - From fantasy currency to financial disruptor
The Guardian - Could blockchain technology solve streaming music’s payment rows?
Fox - Finding Value in Bitcoin
Entrepreneur - What Is the Future of Bitcoin?
2016 -
Money Week - It’s time to buy bitcoin
- Why I’m buying bitcoins
WSJ - Bitcoin catches on with Goldbugs
Reuters - CME, ICE prepare pricing data that could boost bitcoin
NASDAQ - The Five Most Useful Properties of Bitcoin
- Bitcoin: A Significantly Investable Asset
- Why Bitcoin Could Be More Important Than The Internet
Forbes- Is Bitcoin Better Than Gold?
The International Monetary Fund - The Internet of Trust
Reuters - Virtual Safe Haven?
CNBC - Bitcoin gains validity as digital gold after Brexit vote
The first 2 or 3 years are the most mainstream reports I found, the next years have a bit of a bias on their selection but I think it reflects the overall trend seen.