there is a point where something has to have a use/purpose/function/desire. yes if bitcoin had no function and was just a bunch of locked assets held forever in a trust owned by a company thats only value was the investment. then prices could go to $0. because no one would have to mine something that never has to move, and has no reward for trying to move the unmovable
Yes its a bit the point if everyone just sit on their coin waiting for the value to rise it very likely nothing is going to happen and the price is just going to crash.
if everyone bought at say $6 in 2012. and just hoarded. all them 11mill coins in circulation at the time. never changing hands.
and the market only moved due to fresh mind coins. at mining cost of $200 in 2013 $2000 in 2017 $20,000 in 2021
then there would be 11million coins that would happily sell for anything from $20k all the way down to $6.20 and still feel they have profited.
however if those having 11mill coins colectively in 2012. sold 2mill in 2013
if then the 9m coin($6v) and 2m coin($200) then sold 4mill in 2015($400)
if then the 7m coin($6v) and 4m coin($400) then sold 6mill in 2017($2000)
if then the 5m coin($6v) and 6m coin($400) then sold 6mill in 2017($2000)
its now a market with instead of 11mill able to sell down to $6.20
there is now in 2017 a 6mill support that refuses to sell for less than $2k
so if the price was $2.1k and no one of the 6m2017 wanted to sell yet. then only the 5m 2012($6v) are on offer
and slowly there are less people willing to sell down to low numbers. and more people bringing up the base value
in short letting coins switch hands where the new owner sets new value, helps set new value
i personally use 2 metrics.
mining cost(lowest and highest costs).. and UTXO value at creation(price value when a transaction value last moved)