Bitcoin are the best gold silver and stock market has to have a crash anytime soon. Bitcoin is relatively stable and will enjoy a price hike. It's secured and that's a plus advantage. Plus it's prices are reasonable and it's not near it'd all time high, makes it favorable to buy and hold it.
Bitcoin is a good investment in my opinion as there is a limited number of bitcoins and bitcoin's price is now undervalued compared to fiat.
however, so many good reasons to use in bitcoin investments. but, when it is moments bitcoin rise, so the best reason today is that now is an excellent opportunity to buy bitcoin, because the price is rising. so, when you buy a bitcoin in large numbers at this time, perhaps when prices stop rising, you could sell bitcoin you have and I am sure, it has the advantage that many
Bitcoin has multiple use also.You can hold it for future and you can invest in other crypto.You can trade the bitcoin and make some more with bitcoin.
Unlike gold you dont need government permission or very large investment to mine bitcoin.
Bitcoin is for everyone from trader to businesman.From men to women everyone can use bitcoin for their needs.
Gold mining isn't something the regular people and investors are interested in, so that comparison doesn't hold much ground in my opinion.
If you buy Bitcoin related mining gear, then you can even choose to point your hash power towards other crypto currencies in order to gain back a portion of your initial investment amount. Huge difference.
It of course doesn't mean that you'll ROI guaranteed, but at least your options of earning are significantly higher since you can choose to switch between various crypto currencies at any time.