Bitcoin belongs to the world, no doubt.
But it was invented in Britain.
Evidence 1:
An actual copy of the newspaper would also be a "bitcoin collectible" item.
Evidence 2:
Just as the internet was invented by a Brit and then hijacked by the Yanks, so Bitcoin is slowly being hijacked by the Chinese and the Yanks.
I have no major beef about that, as such.
What I do have a beef about is having to correct the British spelling of words on this bloody forum.
For example, the correct spelling of colour, is with a u. This forum has been set-up by Satoshi, a Brit (take a look at your posting times, they are European times), but I am forced to auto correct to the US spelling of color.
That spelling, among many hundreds of other vandalised words, was introduced as a 'fuck you' from the traitorous tail coats who went on to be the 'founding farther's' of America (founding, ha. it was never lost, ask the Native American Indians - see a bunch of thieves).
Satoshi didn't create Bitcoin or this forum so it could be hijacked by the Yanks.
It needs British English spelling by default.
Fix it.
(if you can't see the funny side or take a joke, don't respond)
Where ever bitcoin was invented it is not a problem..the great thing is that bitcoin was invented and we are here in this forum are the ones received the benefit of bitcoin invention