Is it an American teenager who practically lives in the virtual world every day, and never separate from computers and smartphones.
Is that a pensioner from Brazil, poor and without electricity, who had never seen a computer in his life.
Is it a single mother from Africa, who lives in a tent.
Maybe we are talking about a middle-aged Russian from Siberia who has no confidence in anything that comes from the west.
Or we are simply talking about a middle-aged American who use the Internet just to read e-mail and watch Facebook, but always prefer to see the money in his wallet rather than have some virtual money or use the credit card.
So, I would say that Bitcoin is not to complicate for average person to use but much more important question is who is average person today in the world and how many people in the world really have necessary foundation, habits and life style to even start to think about using bitcoin.
Of course there is no 'average' person and the definition will differ from country to country, but I think the average person in the Western world can use it. I'd consider myself average and have no problem working my wallet or using bitcoin. I don't think my parents would have much difficulty either.