Bitcoin can be used only in internet (at least actually). The market in internet (even is in fast increase) is yet very few compared with the real market (the market in the real world). So the everyday needs that everyone has must be fulfilled, let say, at least 80% (are more) only with fiat money. Even bitcoin is known by me and you we cannot use it out of internet. We cannot buy with it the bread, the clothes, the various foods, to pay in restaurants (normally and mostly) and so on.
I used smarthone to pay with Bitcoin in restaurant already, would do it in other places if I noticed "Bitcoin accepted here" as well. So I dont get your "We cannot buy with it the bread, the clothes, the various foods, to pay in restaurants", because internet is available almost everywhere...
First, if you used smartphone within your neighborhood you must know that the world is much more big than your neighborhood. There are your city, then other cities, then your country, then the continents. So the real world is much more big than your neighborhood and your neighborhood is not at all representative of all the world.
Second, if your neighborhood is so developed and has internet in all the places mentioned by me (where you buy bread, where you buy clothes, at the public WC and in every remaining place of it) I can assure you that exist at least one continent named Africa in which the people don't have internet or is verified very few spread of it even at their homes. So you must understand again that the world is not only your neighborhood.
I must admit I live in a place where internet coverage is almost 100% (its hard to find places on the coverage country map without signal), and it is easy and affordable for anybody interested to have it at home/smartphone. Hopefully it is only matter of time such infrastructure/economic becomes standard everywhere.
I told I used smartphone to pay with Bitcoin in restaurant already,
would do it in other places if I noticed "Bitcoin accepted here" as well.
Meaning even if there is technical possibility to add Bitcoin payment option, hardly anyone accept Bitcoin now.
Maybe your "we" I interpretted as me as well, so your reasoning "We cannot buy with it the bread, the clothes, the various foods, to pay in restaurants (normally and mostly) and so on" seems untrue for me.
Third, I can assure you that bitcoin is ignored from more of three quarters of all the countries of the world which don't know at all it. And some of those in which is know has banned it. See here for more: So how is possible to be used bitcoin in that places. I would hear your intellectual thought about this.
If I was citizen of any of the few countries where Bitcoin is banned, I would be pissed others decide for me what I can do in such innoncent matter - Bitcoin banning is basically totalitarian politician decision not respecting basic human rights.
Four, I can assure that you are lying about the possibility to use in your neighborhood bitcoin so easy and for more in so more places like you mention in your post. And you make this only to make an original post or because think (but without knowing the true why) that bitcoin is something superior compared to everything else.
Bitcoin is technically possible here, you see Credit Card terminal in most shops, meaning they use internet connection for it already, and there are incentives to use Bitcoin instead because instead of using Credit Card 3-5% fees, you can use bitpay Bitcoin 1% fee or if you dont need exchange right to fiat and want to accept Bitcoin yourselves almost 0% fee. The economical incentive is here, but the knowledge not.
Five, If you "don't get" my post it is not my problem but your problem. But you have even another more big problem (and even risky for you as a person). You are not able to understand even the why of your "don't get" in the case when someone can tell "I don't like bitcoin only for fun". Because is out of your mind that someone have its thoughts that can be different from yours. You cannot understand that the world has this development only because of this quality had by every human being. I tell this after the reading your "don't get" about my thoughts and my argumentation. "Don't get" that I (and everyone else including you) can have the right to have my (their) thoughts and to express those giving arguments which explain the why of those thoughts. Your "don't get" argued with general words and general arguments that can be told in every kind of situation is the most devastating fact of your poor mental situation and you mentality. Undeveloped one. Which maybe have to do nothing with your "internet everywhere" and "bitcoin everywhere used" neighborhood but with your lack of desire (or maybe even inability) to learn.
Let see what pearls will born and will be explained here in this forum from your "cultivated" mind after the read of this my post. Let see how "don't get" will repeated in your reply (must be to many to be counted). Or maybe will ignore everything (this must be the most quoted behavior as for me) making one or two sentences with irony or insults. Because are unable for more.
I dont understand why you are so frustrated, your first day on the internet? I believe I got much worse/trolling reply to one of my posts but I never got so frustrated to write almost a reply essay to get the frustration out.
I must agree that I am surprised abut the answer had from you. But only because normally such kind of dandy people like you normally give superficial answer to "cross the river" when I see that you not only are not such kind of person but are able even to attack. Is well known that the most good defense is to attack. Especially this behavior is efficient when are told bullshits or lies. Accompanying this behavior with the giving of answers without telling nothing, to lie again or to make appear the other part as not in a normal condition.
Have any problem for me your reaction. Must write even more. Cannot be touched by someone who made such posts and give this kind of explanations. From someone who will solve the lack of the internet in Africa telling:
If I was citizen of any of the few countries where Bitcoin is banned, I would be pissed others decide for me what I can do in such innoncent matter - Bitcoin banning is basically totalitarian politician decision not respecting basic human rights. can be waited even more than understand my post as a sign of frustration or being the first day in internet the day when I made the answer to its post. This person is so smart that cannot understand that to be "Hero Member" in bitcointalk needed much more than one day in internet and much more than an answer to its "Hall of Fame" post. So such person think that I am frustrated and in my first day in internet the day in which have made my answer to its post. Normally must stop here because everything is clear (at least for me) with whom I have to do but is funny to tease such kind of people because express always pearls in their posts. So, as a consequence I will try to make another essay to see and taste his reaction.
So, according to the brilliant, practically all Africa must know that to have internet must "
be pissed others decide for them what they can do in such innocent matter - Bitcoin banning is basically totalitarian politician decision not respecting basic human rights" and within 1-2 hours everyone will have internet everywhere. Will be covered at 100% all the countries (mean all Africa) and immediately can began the use of bitcoin mined immediately after the cover 100% with internet of their area.
This can be done using the "
Credit Card terminal in most shops" in other words "
meaning they use internet connection for it already,
and there are incentives to use Bitcoin instead because instead of using Credit Card 3-5% fees, you can use bitpay Bitcoin 1% fee or if you dont need exchange right to fiat and want to accept Bitcoin yourselves almost 0% fee. The economical incentive is here, but the knowledge not." Everything clear for everyone. Except for me. Cannot understand nothing. Maybe because I am frustrated and at my second day of internet (my days in internet are counted only when I make answer to his posts). Hope to have another full explanation about what word I have understand wrong and that not allow me (leaving apart my frustration), to not understand such easy and significant explanations.
So everything is solved doing a hard war against "
totalitarian politician decision not respecting basic human rights" and don't using "
Credit Card 3-5% fees" but using "
bitpay Bitcoin 1% fee or if you don't need exchange right to fiat and want to accept Bitcoin yourselves almost 0% fee". Beh, there remain nothing to tell about this solution. Only savants brain can be able to invent such meaningful and farsighted (being in the same time simple in its implementation) project. To not forget to "
be pissed others decide for every African".
And attention brothers of Africa if you "
don't get" something. Never told or interpret such expression. Otherwise for sure you would become automatically frustrated and will have always every new day in internet as a new and first day on it. It is the power of these words who make you such. You will forget all the previous ones had in the internet bring to you by the One. This may not allow you to "
be pissed" and to use "
bitpay Bitcoin 1% fee or if you don't need exchange right to fiat and want to accept Bitcoin yourselves almost 0% fee". Maybe you will have other fee than "
bitpay Bitcoin 1% fee" if "
you don't need exchange right to fiat" and "
want to accept Bitcoin yourselves almost 0% fee". What can you pretend more?
As a conclusion: Cannot wait to read the next answer of the normal, savant, non frustrated (clearly showed by what has write), not first day in internet, analytical (has given detailed argumentative answers to everything - including my mental disease expressed with the wrong understanding of his limpid words and sentences in its first post and first of all the resulution of the lack of internet and the few knowledge of bitcoin in Africa), and persecuted by the trolls, person which for sure will define me this time as insane when will read all this my new essay.
But he is strong and I am sure that will be able to withstand the above essay with another brilliant answer full of projects about the fast, and without any kind of cost, spread and implementation of internet and bitcoin not only in Africa but in every nook of the Earth where will be the need of such things and the need of its projects. Naturally always "
be pissed others decide for him what he can do in such innoncent matter - Bitcoin banning is basically totalitarian politician decision not respecting basic human rights"