No one yet has answered this problem: Its too easy to get robbed. You send someone some bitcoins and they can just walk! It's just like posting cash to a stranger, totally stupid.
No-one posts cash to stranger, so no-one will send bitcoins! It's obvious!
In a face to face transaction, use cash - cus its anonymous.
In an internet transaction, use Paypal etc, cuz its the only way not to get robbed.
Add escrow to bitcoin and you've gained nothing now. The whole project is totally pointless!
Why can no-one give me a robust resolution. By robust, I mean not some juvenile, hand waving gibberish arguement.
You have a point.
I think there will be payment systems on top of bitcoin some day (google, maybe even paypal, visa come to mind), which offer chargeback, fast hassle-free payment and protection from theft to a certain degree.
Bitcoin is online gold, not many trade in gold nowadays, but it's used as store of value. Bitcoin might have similar fate with other currencies pegged to it.
Not a "robust solution", but maybe a direction to think?