Mastercard is very helpfull for giving payment.
We can carry it in anywhere.
Is this possible world wide it will show his power.
I think that it is bad using bitcoin as a payment in a master crad...why?
1. The reason of have a master card/ credit card is because of having a badrowed money/bitcoin, you use bitcoin and later you will pay the barrowed money for bitcoin.
Ps: its good you use the mastercard and it will automatically dedicated to you saving from bitcoin
2. For me having bitcoin use as a payment in credit card is a hasel you should have just used an see change wallet from bitcoin or altcoin to any foriegn money that is much better.
Because if you think about it you use bitcoin and later it goes byebye because bitcoin is an investment that goes up and down. If you use bitcoin and when the value goes up there will be lower chances that your bitcoin or altcoin prices will decrease.