Gents, Am I the only one thinks that bitcoin can be erased in the same way it is created?
No, you are not the only one. There are other foolish people that also believe that.
Dont you think any attack can kill it?
ANY attack could kill it, then it would already be dead.
That is not true. One thing happening does not result in all things happening. That's not how the universe works.
What will happen after satoshi dies?
He is already dead. What will happen is what has happened.
What will happen when bitcoin stands alone.
Bitcoin has already stood alone. What will happen is what has happened.
What will happen if it is banned globally?
Can you name any single thing that is banned globally? If you can, does that thing still exist?
What if goverments start working on killing bitcoin?
Can you name anything that governments try to kill? Does that thing still exist?
Dont you think goverments can work on it to kill it?
Governments can work to do whatever they want. It doesn't mean they will succeed.
Btc is not like gold.
Correct. It is better.
You cant make the gold disappear suddenly as it is possible for btc.
Yes, you can. But regardless, in what ways do you think bitcoin can be "made to disappear"?
I am a fan of btc but I am also scared.
It's okay to be scared. Lots of people are scared of lots of things.
It should be protected but who will do it?
I will. Will you?
Exchanges? The top btc holder?
Perhaps. Perhaps not. Does it matter?