I find quite amusing that people here keep spouting off that gold is dying and bitcoin is taking over.
I have no emotional attachment to any investment but these guys are 100% crypto focused geeks that have no idea of the larger world.
You have to realise that -
a) Bitcoin is a gamble, nothing more nothing less. Great to invest a small portion of your wealth in.
b) Gold is your insurance, when the financial system goes tits up people always flee to gold for safety driving the price up, about 20% of your wealth.
c) The rest spread through property investments, stocks and shares - Investments that produce income and return on your money.
Bitcoin is taking over from GoldBitcoin currently has 0.086% of gold's market cap - get a grip and rejoin reality.
If gold is dying why is china and russia litterally buying it by the tonne every month?The people that advise these countries are far more intelligent than most of you here, plus they have insider knowledge that you wont know until its too late.
Why is the West selling their gold to China/Russia?Simply because they are bankrupt. The US and Europe are insolvent and have past the point of no return, they are desperate for cash and will do anything to get it including starting wars for natural resources.
Bitcoin is great, the price only ever goes up and is about to go the moonSame shit constantly quoted here. If this is the case then why hasnt any large banker organisation, hedge fund or any other large financial institution just come along and purchased a few hundred million $ worth of bitcoin. They could easily do this.
Bitcoin will become a global curreny/reserve currency/overtake xxx currencyNo government/bank will ever allow this to happen, money is control over sheeple and they are not about to give up that power any time soon.
You people are mearly Beta testers for crypto currency.
When the bankers are happy it works and is secure they will release a version they control then ban bitcoin globally with large fines/prison terms for those caught using it.
Gold price is too stable/Bitcoin price volatility makes it easy to earn loads of moneyIf its that easy then why arent all you dumb fuckers stinking rich and out living life rather than trawling this forum daily