I'm not a fan of gold and I don't have any, but I think that gold is better as a store of value that Bitcoin because the price chart paints a clear picture to me when it comes to gold: you probably won't have much profit, but you're not going to lose a lot either. So for keeping the wealth one already has, gold seems like a very solid option. If, however, we're talking about investment, Bitcoin is clearly way better. Even though it's very volatile, it's clear from Bitcoin's history that so far the price always bounces back up and rises even higher than before eventually, so it's a good long-term investment. It's way better than gold because you can actually profit very impressively from it.
Gold is as old as human history. It won't going anywhere because people still trust it as a store of value. It's a great asset to hold for the long term in order to protect yourself from the negative effects of inflation. Bitcoin is similar to Gold in the sense that it's extremely limited in supply, but it comes with its drawbacks. While Gold is relatively stable in price, Bitcoin is all of the contrary. The volatile price of Bitcoin on the market brings many profit opportunities to its holders. But at the same time, it can leave anyone with huge losses once prices go all the way down the drain. If you'd want to secure your financial future, then it's best to hold both assets instead of relying on one of them for your survival. Diversifying your investment will make you reduce losses as much as possible.
Nonetheless, I'd choose Bitcoin over Gold anytime because the pioneer cryptocurrency goes up at a faster rate than the yellow precious metal. With every downfall in price, comes a huge "bounce", leaving you with more money than initially invested. By taking profits earned from Bitcoin and putting them into Gold, you'll be able to achieve peace of mind in no time. It's what I've been doing lately, in order to help secure my financial future. With how popular Bitcoin has become, I'd envision a future where both assets (Bitcoin and Gold) co-exist for many generations. Just my opinion