
Topic: Bitcoin puzzle transaction ~32 BTC prize to who solves it - page 143. (Read 215539 times)

copper member
Activity: 1330
Merit: 899

import SECP256k1
import Point
import sha256
import Int
import ripemd160
import boost.multiprecision.cpp_int as cpp_int
import gmpy2 as mpz
import math
import time
import threading
import os

START_VALUE = 576565752303423488
END_VALUE = 900000000000000000

# Define a range of factors
MAX_FACTOR = 1028.0

currentValue = mpz.mpz(START_VALUE)
totalKeys = 0
printMutex = threading.Lock()
resultMutex = threading.Lock()
ripemd160Hashes = []

startTime = None
matchFound = False
currentHexPrivateKey = ""

def loadRIPEMD160Hashes():
    with open("wallets.txt", "r") as file:
        for line in file:
            hexHash = line.strip()
            if len(hexHash) != 40:
                print(f"Invalid RIPEMD160 hash length: {len(hexHash)}")

            hash = bytearray.fromhex(hexHash)

        print(f"Loaded {len(ripemd160Hashes)} RIPEMD160 hashes from file.")

def hexBytesToHexString(bytes):
    return "".join([format(b, "02x") for b in bytes])

def hasMinimumMatchingCharacters(hash):
    for loadedHash in ripemd160Hashes:
        isMatch = True
        for j in range(19): # Loop through the first 5 bytes (40 bits)
            if hash[j] != loadedHash[j]:
                isMatch = False
                break # If any character doesn't match, stop checking
        if isMatch:
            return True
    return False

def printProgress():
    global startTime
    startTime = time.time()

    while not matchFound:
        elapsed = time.time() - startTime
        keysPerSecond = totalKeys / elapsed if elapsed != 0 else 0

        with resultMutex:
            print(f"\rTime: {int(elapsed)}s, Keys: {totalKeys}, Keys/s: {round(keysPerSecond, 5)}, Current: {currentValue}, Priv Key: {currentHexPrivateKey}", end="")

def counterWorker(threadId, secp256k1, numThreads):
    global currentHexPrivateKey, matchFound, startTime, totalKeys, currentValue
    current = mpz.mpz(START_VALUE + threadId * INCREMENT)

    while current <= END_VALUE:
        for factor in range(int(MIN_FACTOR), int(MAX_FACTOR) + 1, int(FACTOR_INCREMENT)):
            result = current * int(factor)
            hexPrivateKey = format(int(result), "x") # Get hex representation directly
            currentHexPrivateKey = hexPrivateKey

            privateKey = Int.Int(0)

            publicKey = secp256k1.ComputePublicKey(privateKey)

            compressedPublicKey = bytearray(secp256k1.GetPublicKeyRaw(True, publicKey))
            publicKeyHash = sha256.sha256(compressedPublicKey)

            ripemd160Hash = ripemd160.ripemd160(publicKeyHash)

            if hasMinimumMatchingCharacters(ripemd160Hash):
                matchedPrivateKey = hexPrivateKey # Store the private key for printing
                matchedRipemd160 = hexBytesToHexString(ripemd160Hash) # Convert RIPEMD160 to hex string

                with printMutex:
                    print(f"\nMatching RIPEMD160 hash found. Private Key: {matchedPrivateKey}, RIPEMD160: {matchedRipemd160}")

                with open("found.txt", "a") as foundFile:
                    foundFile.write(f"Matched Private Key: {matchedPrivateKey}, RIPEMD160: {matchedRipemd160}\n")

                matchFound = True
        totalKeys += 1

        # Update the currentValue atomically
        with resultMutex:
            currentValue = current

        current = current + (INCREMENT * numThreads)

    # Signal that this thread has completed its work
    with resultMutex:
        matchFound = True

def main():
    global matchFound, totalKeys, currentValue


    secp256k1 = SECP256k1.SECP256k1()

    threads = []
    numThreads = os.cpu_count()

    # Start the progress printing thread
    progressThread = threading.Thread(target=printProgress)

    for i in range(numThreads):
        threads.append(threading.Thread(target=counterWorker, args=(i, secp256k1, numThreads)))
    for thread in threads:

    for thread in threads:

    # Wait for the progress thread to complete


if __name__ == "__main__":

Script above is the python version of your code written in alien language, I'm on phone so I couldn't test to see if it works, later I will test it on my laptop and fix any issues. Insha'Allah. ( God willing )

Thanks for the update on the code, appreciate it. My scripts ( small part of them ) don't need much speed because they are not supposed to auto solve a key, they are intended as learning tools, I talked about improving performance to make king of information stop whining so much. 🤣
Activity: 107
Merit: 61
Hi, nice code Smiley The prime numbers approach is a good idea, I also try it some time ago, but it only works as you said if you have the right factors if no then the brute force approach of the prime numbers is also some exhaustive, we can try some small and common factors but those don't provide much speed, but if the prime factors aren't common then the probabilities of some prime number is factor of our key are very low probabilities.

IMHO this prime number approach is a nice as proof of concept but with some low success

I tried and tested similar approach a year ago. The best result I could achieve is O(N/4) complexity for a random number, but only if this number is composite. This is 4x better than bruteforce, but it's requires a lot of scalar multiplications, therefore optimized sequential key generation is still faster despite the higher complexity of O(N).
Activity: 462
Merit: 24
copper member
Activity: 1330
Merit: 899
Hi everyone, I've been reading your forum for long about this challenge and trying my luck for a long time without finding anything!
So I've joined you hopefully to work as a group and split the prize.

I've got two questions please:
1) Where can i find the already scanned ranges for puzzle 66? so i won't scan it again!
2) Where can i share the ranges i've already scanned?

Oh hey Barry (west allen ) lol.  Welcome to the jungle club of pointless puzzle hunters.
There are some pools searching in ranges which you can join, but I won't link to them because I'm not sure whether they are safe to use or not, but if you search for the keyword pool on this thread, you will find their posts, look at top right corner search box, search while you are inside this thread.

Now I have questions, what hardware do you have?
What have you learned about elliptic curve cryptography?

I hope you realize this is not a game only for entertainment and finding free bitcoins, the man has spared around $30 million in bitcoin for reasons other than fun and playing riddles with community members.

You should know, this is a world class programming/ mathematical challenge, worth more than 30 nobel prizes combined.🤑😉
Activity: 4
Merit: 0
Hi everyone, I've been reading your forum for long about this challenge and trying my luck for a long time without finding anything!
So I've joined you hopefully to work as a group and split the prize.

I've got two questions please:
1) Where can i find the already scanned ranges for puzzle 66? so i won't scan it again!
2) Where can i share the ranges i've already scanned?

copper member
Activity: 1330
Merit: 899

Can you please explain in details for us noobs how this works and what we need to change when searching for our desired keys?
Also what do you mean by solving 65 without needing a public key, do you search for address or something?

Do you happen to have a python code for it, even if it's slow. Or isn't it better to ask ai to convert the code into python? Is that even possible?


Here is a working script which divides 2 points by start/end range and then subtracts the results of division from each other.
No external module/ library needed, just run the script.

# Define the EllipticCurve class
class EllipticCurve:
    def __init__(self, a, b, p):
        self.a = a
        self.b = b
        self.p = p

    def contains(self, point):
        x, y = point.x, point.y
        return (y * y) % self.p == (x * x * x + self.a * x + self.b) % self.p

    def __str__(self):
        return f"y^2 = x^3 + {self.a}x + {self.b} mod {self.p}"

# Define the Point class
class Point:
    def __init__(self, x, y, curve):
        self.x = x
        self.y = y
        self.curve = curve

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return self.x == other.x and self.y == other.y and self.curve == other.curve

    def __ne__(self, other):
        return not self == other

    def __add__(self, other):
        if self.curve != other.curve:
            raise ValueError("Cannot add points on different curves")

        # Case when one point is zero
        if self == Point.infinity(self.curve):
            return other
        if other == Point.infinity(self.curve):
            return self

        if self.x == other.x and self.y != other.y:
            return Point.infinity(self.curve)

        p = self.curve.p
        s = 0
        if self == other:
            s = ((3 * self.x * self.x + self.curve.a) * pow(2 * self.y, -1, p)) % p
            s = ((other.y - self.y) * pow(other.x - self.x, -1, p)) % p

        x = (s * s - self.x - other.x) % p
        y = (s * (self.x - x) - self.y) % p

        return Point(x, y, self.curve)

    def __sub__(self, other):
        if self.curve != other.curve:
            raise ValueError("Cannot subtract points on different curves")

        # Case when one point is zero
        if self == Point.infinity(self.curve):
            return other
        if other == Point.infinity(self.curve):
            return self

        return self + Point(other.x, (-other.y) % self.curve.p, self.curve)

    def __mul__(self, n):
        if not isinstance(n, int):
            raise ValueError("Multiplication is defined for integers only")

        n = n % (self.curve.p - 1)
        res = Point.infinity(self.curve)
        addend = self

        while n:
            if n & 1:
                res += addend

            addend += addend
            n >>= 1

        return res

    def __str__(self):
        return f"({self.x}, {self.y}) on {self.curve}"

    def from_hex(s, curve):
        if len(s) == 66 and s.startswith("02") or s.startswith("03"):
            compressed = True
        elif len(s) == 130 and s.startswith("04"):
            compressed = False
            raise ValueError("Hex string is not a valid compressed or uncompressed point")

        if compressed:
            is_odd = s.startswith("03")
            x = int(s[2:], 16)

            # Calculate y-coordinate from x and parity bit
            y_square = (x * x * x + curve.a * x + curve.b) % curve.p
            y = pow(y_square, (curve.p + 1) // 4, curve.p)
            if is_odd != (y & 1):
                y = -y % curve.p

            return Point(x, y, curve)
            s_bytes = bytes.fromhex(s)
            uncompressed = s_bytes[0] == 4
            if not uncompressed:
                raise ValueError("Only uncompressed or compressed points are supported")

            num_bytes = len(s_bytes) // 2
            x_bytes = s_bytes[1 : num_bytes + 1]
            y_bytes = s_bytes[num_bytes + 1 :]

            x = int.from_bytes(x_bytes, byteorder="big")
            y = int.from_bytes(y_bytes, byteorder="big")

            return Point(x, y, curve)

    def to_hex(self, compressed=True):
        if self.x is None and self.y is None:
            return "00"
        elif compressed:
            prefix = "03" if self.y & 1 else "02"
            return prefix + hex(self.x)[2:].zfill(64)
            x_hex = hex(self.x)[2:].zfill(64)
            y_hex = hex(self.y)[2:].zfill(64)
            return "04" + x_hex + y_hex

    def infinity(curve):
        return Point(None, None, curve)

# Define the ec_mul function
def ec_mul(point, scalar, base_point):
    result = Point.infinity(point.curve)
    addend = point

    while scalar:
        if scalar & 1:
            result += addend

        addend += addend
        scalar >>= 1

    return result

# Define the ec_operations function
def ec_operations(start_range, end_range, target_1, target_2, curve):
    # Define parameters for secp256k1 curve
    n = 0xfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffebaaedce6af48a03bbfd25e8cd0364141
    G = Point(

    # Open the files for writing
    with open("target1_division_results.txt", "a") as file1, \
            open("target2_division_results.txt", "a") as file2, \
            open("subtract_results.txt", "a") as file3:

        for i in range(start_range, end_range + 1):
                # Compute the inverse of i modulo n
                i_inv = pow(i, n-2, n)

                # Divide the targets by i modulo n
                result_1 = ec_mul(target_1, i_inv, G)
                result_2 = ec_mul(target_2, i_inv, G)

                # Subtract the results
                sub_result = result_2 - result_1

                # Write the results to separate files
                file3.write(f"Subtracting results for {i}:\n")
                file3.write(f"Target 1 / {i}: {result_1.to_hex()}\n")
                file3.write(f"Target 2 / {i}: {result_2.to_hex()}\n")
                file3.write(f"Subtraction: {sub_result.to_hex()}\n")
                file3.write("="*50 + "\n")

                print(f"Completed calculation for divisor {i}")
            except ZeroDivisionError:
                print(f"Error: division by zero for {i}")

    print("Calculation completed. Results saved in separate files.")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Set the targets and range for the operations
    target_1 = Point.from_hex("0230210C23B1A047BC9BDBB13448E67DEDDC108946DE6DE639BCC75D47C0216B1B", curve)
    target_2 = Point.from_hex("02F6B787195159544330085C6014DBA627FF5B14F3203FF05D12482F76261F4FC3", curve)
    start_range = 2
    end_range = 200

    ec_operations(start_range, end_range, target_1, target_2, curve)

Note that on previous page there is one similar script but operating over scalar not points.
Also the credit for the division by a range part goes to @mcdouglasx, the rest goes to anyone here helping and of course the biggest idiot AI made by mankind ( all of them are for now ) aka chatbot.

As a test sample I have used puzzle 65 in target1 and target 2 is an offset after subtracting the following scalar from puzzle 65.

The script is really slow because I had problem using multiprocessing  in the code, so I decided to remove it, it also first calculates everything and then writes them to the files, since I'm not a coder, I don't know whether doing that requires more RAM or not.

Feel free to optimize, improve and add other functions/operations as you see fit and please do share.
hero member
Activity: 862
Merit: 662
Now I can solve puzzle 65 without the public key in just a few seconds if you have the right factors in place

Hi, nice code Smiley The prime numbers approach is a good idea, I also try it some time ago, but it only works as you said if you have the right factors if no then the brute force approach of the prime numbers is also some exhaustive, we can try some small and common factors but those don't provide much speed, but if the prime factors aren't common then the probabilities of some prime number is factor of our key are very low probabilities.

IMHO this prime number approach is a nice as proof of concept but with some low success
jr. member
Activity: 75
Merit: 5
but it is excellent, even better than C for testing. of new ideas,

I agree with this, personally i think that testing and proof of concept are the only thing that python is good for. But once that the proof of concept is proven to be useful or good then is time to move to another language. If speed is determining for the algorithm

the fact that you think that there are no new things is simply the result of your own mental fatigue

What F.. mental Fatigue? I already shared here a lot of programs, ideas, users share with me their ideas on telegram and there is nothing new...

What i am tryting to said is if you have a vague idea without math background or without enough testing, then OPEN a new thread discuss their idea there and if the idea was proven to be good, then link that new topic here sharing a brief sumary of it and how to use.

I have this code already which is not an idea for now but a work in progress but we might be needing to know if it's a good idea

#include "SECP256k1.h"
#include "Point.h"
#include "sha256.h"
#include "Int.h"
#include "ripemd160.h"

constexpr uint64_t START_VALUE = 576565752303423488ULL;
constexpr uint64_t END_VALUE = 900'000'000'000'000'000ULL;
constexpr uint64_t INCREMENT = 1ULL;

// Define a range of factors
constexpr double MIN_FACTOR = 64.0;
constexpr double MAX_FACTOR = 1028.0;
constexpr double FACTOR_INCREMENT = 1.00;

std::atomic currentValue(START_VALUE);
std::atomic totalKeys(0);
std::mutex printMutex;
std::mutex resultMutex;
std::vector> ripemd160Hashes;

std::chrono::time_point startTime;
std::atomic matchFound(false);
std::string currentHexPrivateKey;

void loadRIPEMD160Hashes() {
    std::ifstream file("wallets.txt");
    if (file.is_open()) {
        std::string hexHash;
        while (file >> hexHash) {
            if (hexHash.length() != 40) {
                std::cerr << "Invalid RIPEMD160 hash length: " << hexHash.length() << std::endl;
                continue; // Skip invalid hashes

            std::array hash;
            for (int i = 0; i < 20; ++i) {
                std::string byteHex = hexHash.substr(2 * i, 2);
                hash[i] = static_cast(std::stoi(byteHex, nullptr, 16));

        std::cout << "Loaded " << ripemd160Hashes.size() << " RIPEMD160 hashes from file." << std::endl;

std::string hexBytesToHexString(const uint8_t* bytes, size_t length) {
    std::stringstream ss;
    ss << std::hex << std::setfill('0');
    for (size_t i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
        ss << std::setw(2) << static_cast(bytes[i]);
    return ss.str();

bool hasMinimumMatchingCharacters(const uint8_t (&hash)[20]) {
    for (const std::array& loadedHash : ripemd160Hashes) {
        bool isMatch = true;
        for (int j = 0; j < 19; ++j) {  // Loop through the first 5 bytes (40 bits)
            if (hash[j] != loadedHash[j]) {
                isMatch = false;
                break; // If any character doesn't match, stop checking
        if (isMatch) {
            return true;
    return false;

void printProgress() {
    startTime = std::chrono::system_clock::now();

    while (!matchFound.load(std::memory_order_relaxed)) {
            std::lock_guard lock(resultMutex);

            auto now = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
            auto elapsed = std::chrono::duration_cast(now - startTime);
            double keysPerSecond = static_cast(totalKeys.load()) / elapsed.count();

            std::cout << "\rTime: " << elapsed.count() << "s, Keys: " << totalKeys.load()
                      << ", Keys/s: " << std::fixed << std::setprecision(5) << keysPerSecond
                      << ", Current: " << currentValue.load()
                      << ", Priv Key: " << currentHexPrivateKey << std::flush;

void counterWorker(int threadId, Secp256K1& secp256k1, int numThreads) {
    mpz_class current(START_VALUE + threadId * INCREMENT);

    while (current <= END_VALUE) {
        for (double factor = MIN_FACTOR; factor <= MAX_FACTOR; factor += FACTOR_INCREMENT) {
            mpz_class result = current * static_cast(factor);

            std::string hexPrivateKey = result.get_str(16); // Get hex representation directly
            currentHexPrivateKey = hexPrivateKey;

            Int privateKey;

            Point publicKey = secp256k1.ComputePublicKey(&privateKey);

            uint8_t compressedPublicKey[33];
            secp256k1.GetPublicKeyRaw(true, publicKey, reinterpret_cast(compressedPublicKey));

            uint8_t publicKeyHash[32];
            sha256_33(compressedPublicKey, publicKeyHash);

            uint8_t ripemd160Hash[20];
            ripemd160(publicKeyHash, 32, ripemd160Hash);

            if (hasMinimumMatchingCharacters(ripemd160Hash)) {
                std::string matchedPrivateKey = hexPrivateKey; // Store the private key for printing
                std::string matchedRipemd160 = hexBytesToHexString(ripemd160Hash, 20); // Convert RIPEMD160 to hex string

                    std::lock_guard lock(printMutex);
                    std::cout << "\nMatching RIPEMD160 hash found. Private Key: " << matchedPrivateKey << ", RIPEMD160: " << matchedRipemd160 << std::endl;

                    std::ofstream foundFile("found.txt", std::ios::app); // Append mode
                    if (foundFile.is_open()) {
                        foundFile << "Matched Private Key: " << matchedPrivateKey << ", RIPEMD160: " << matchedRipemd160 << std::endl;


        // Convert the mpz_class to uint64_t and update the currentValue atomically, std::memory_order_relaxed);

        current += INCREMENT * numThreads;

    // Signal that this thread has completed its work, std::memory_order_relaxed);

int main() {

    Secp256K1 secp256k1;

    std::vector threads;

    // Start the progress printing thread
    std::thread progressThread(printProgress);

    const int numThreads = std::thread::hardware_concurrency();
    for (int i = 0; i < numThreads; ++i) {
        threads.emplace_back(counterWorker, i, std::ref(secp256k1), numThreads);

    for (auto& thread : threads) {

    // Wait for the progress thread to complete

    std::cout << std::endl;

    return 0;

now I get 1.5million/s if I have 1 factor on my 16 threaded pc which I normally get nothing less than 55 million/s on keyhunt compress and exhomorphism
the more the factor to be multiplied the less the keys/s
and come to think of it, so many private keys are just numbers and these numbers have factors except it's a prime number
Now I can solve puzzle 65 without the public key in just a few seconds if you have the right factors in place
we need to see if we can get this code working on GPU which will also make so much momentum and also if we can get it faster on cpu
it's just an idea in progress and I don't know if it's a good idea that's why I have decided to put it on here
copper member
Activity: 1330
Merit: 899
Oh, look another useless and extremely slow python script which can only be used to test and then solve puzzle keys.😉,
Idea was mine, I had to make a few changes, but the code is generated by the use of chat bot. And I have no other way than copy paste it here, so don't take offence for it.

from sympy import mod_inverse

N = 0xfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffebaaedce6af48a03bbfd25e8cd0364141

def ters(scalar, target):
    k = mod_inverse(2, N)
    scalar_bin = bin(scalar)[2:]
    for i in range(len(scalar_bin)):
        if scalar_bin[i] == '0':
            result = (target * k) % N
            result = ((target * k) % N + N - 1) % N
        target = result
    return result

target1 = 508467739815150526153708316710194877073
target2 = 73909945130129581315154379935980065

print("Target results:")
for x in range(1, 10):
    result1 = ters(x, target1)
    print(f"{x}-T1: {result1:x}")
for x in range(1, 10):
    result2 = ters(x, target2)
    print(f"{x}-T2: {result2:x}")
for x in range(1, 10):
    result1 = ters(x, target1)
    result2 = ters(x, target2)
    subtraction = (result1 - result2) % N
    print(f"{x}-Sub: {subtraction:x}")

Think of target 1 as a puzzle key, and target 2 is known, if we subtract target2 from target1 ( puzzle key) before using the script, we would have this third ( also unknown ) key :

And yeah, that's it, I'm not gonna keep talking to actually reach the real puzzle key.😅

I hope nobody takes any offence because I talk too much, if they do, IDRC. 😘

Ps, I'm wearing it as avatar @MisterZz
Activity: 2
Merit: 1
Hello, I would like to know if it is possible to divide 2 public keys between them.
ex: 0279be667ef9dcbbac55a06295ce870b07029bfcdb2dce28d959f2815b16f81798 / 02c6047f9441ed7d6d3045406e95c07cd85c778e4b8cef3ca7abac09b95c709ee5 with "secp256k1 as ice" or even something else?
I can give you the result for your example, here it is :
Pub =
Private =

But if we don't know the private key of at least one of the points, we can never directly reach any meaningful result.
If we don't know k for one of the points, how can an algorithm/library know it?

There are ways to indirectly divide 2 points by using a k greater than 1 and smaller than the other. It would be nonsense/off topic if I try to explain it, so I just save everybody the headache and cut the nonsense.😉

He is learning maths and programming, so I think is not a waste of time..

Hello to everyone

Agreed, we should never stop learning, for example learning how to quote someone properly, lol I mean OMG, look the mess you posted.
Jokes aside, welcome to the jungle.🤝

LOL I havn’t posted on forums in a long time, since AIO’s time I would say. Give me sometime 😌
Something I had made 😁
Activity: 239
Merit: 53
New ideas will be criticized and then admired.
but it is excellent, even better than C for testing. of new ideas,

I agree with this, personally i think that testing and proof of concept are the only thing that python is good for. But once that the proof of concept is proven to be useful or good then is time to move to another language. If speed is determining for the algorithm

the fact that you think that there are no new things is simply the result of your own mental fatigue

What F.. mental Fatigue? I already shared here a lot of programs, ideas, users share with me their ideas on telegram and there is nothing new...

What i am tryting to said is if you have a vague idea without math background or without enough testing, then OPEN a new thread discuss their idea there and if the idea was proven to be good, then link that new topic here sharing a brief sumary of it and how to use.

What I want to say is that information should not be repressed, if information was repressed you could not have made your software, your software is made based on the work of others, like everything in life, one idea leads to another and so on until it is put to practical use. If the basic scripts bother you, ignore them (if you live in the city and the pedestrians bother you, you cannot eliminate the pedestrians, the solution is to move out of the city) and come back later, but we cannot expect others to have our own knowledge and denigrate them for not Know, we all ignore something in life.
Activity: 239
Merit: 53
New ideas will be criticized and then admired.
Hello, I would like to know if it is possible to divide 2 public keys between them.
ex: 0279be667ef9dcbbac55a06295ce870b07029bfcdb2dce28d959f2815b16f81798 / 02c6047f9441ed7d6d3045406e95c07cd85c778e4b8cef3ca7abac09b95c709ee5 with "secp256k1 as ice" or even something else?
I can give you the result for your example, here it is :
Pub =
Private =

But if we don't know the private key of at least one of the points, we can never directly reach any meaningful result.
If we don't know k for one of the points, how can an algorithm/library know it?

The division does not depend directly on the private keys, each public key is itself the representation of a number.
There are ten (10) numbers represented by these symbols.
in hex it would be 16

in public key are
57896044618658097711785492504343953926418782139537452191302581570759080747168 (including decimals, although these are not valid for bitcoin, they exist and this is what makes division difficult)
represented differently (public keys), and this is the complicated part of the matter.
hero member
Activity: 862
Merit: 662
but it is excellent, even better than C for testing. of new ideas,

I agree with this, personally i think that testing and proof of concept are the only thing that python is good for. But once that the proof of concept is proven to be useful or good then is time to move to another language. If speed is determining for the algorithm

the fact that you think that there are no new things is simply the result of your own mental fatigue

What F.. mental Fatigue? I already shared here a lot of programs, ideas, users share with me their ideas on telegram and there is nothing new...

What i am tryting to said is if you have a vague idea without math background or without enough testing, then OPEN a new thread discuss their idea there and if the idea was proven to be good, then link that new topic here sharing a brief sumary of it and how to use.
copper member
Activity: 1330
Merit: 899
Hello, I would like to know if it is possible to divide 2 public keys between them.
ex: 0279be667ef9dcbbac55a06295ce870b07029bfcdb2dce28d959f2815b16f81798 / 02c6047f9441ed7d6d3045406e95c07cd85c778e4b8cef3ca7abac09b95c709ee5 with "secp256k1 as ice" or even something else?
I can give you the result for your example, here it is :
Pub =
Private =

But if we don't know the private key of at least one of the points, we can never directly reach any meaningful result.
If we don't know k for one of the points, how can an algorithm/library know it?

There are ways to indirectly divide 2 points by using a k greater than 1 and smaller than the other. It would be nonsense/off topic if I try to explain it, so I just save everybody the headache and cut the nonsense.😉

He is learning maths and programming, so I think is not a waste of time..

Hello to everyone

Agreed, we should never stop learning, for example learning how to quote someone properly, lol I mean OMG, look the mess you posted.
Jokes aside, welcome to the jungle.🤝
Activity: 239
Merit: 53
New ideas will be criticized and then admired.
Personally i believe that this post just lost its purpose there is a lot of non-sense post or just some offtopic (Some moderator should close it)

A lot of discutions if some slowly python code do this or that, if you have something substantial to contribute to that discussion, it would be best to start a new thread.
In the field of the search of the solucion of this challenge there is no new algorithms or programs. We can resume the progress of the last year in the next.

- Puzzle/challenge 64 solve by Unknown a year ago ‎2022-09-09 privatekey f7051f27b09112d4
- Puzzle/challenge 120 solve by unknown on ‎2023-02-27 and the private key remains unknown.
- Puzzle/challenge 125 solve by unknown on ‎2023-07-09 and the private key remains unknown.

And there is not clue of who solve those and what hardware they use, the wallet 3Emiwzxme7Mrj4d89uqohXNncnRM15YESs is still untouch

Next challenges to be solve are 66 bits with just brute force/pool and puzzle 130 with kangaroo/pool Huh

Best idea to solve puzzle 66 proposed on this thread is giving less priotiry to some repeated patterns. (But the expected time that the user give was ridiculus)

And thats all.

I really don't share anything you say, if this post is deleted then there would only be more information scattered everywhere, according to what you say about python, you are right, it is slower than C, but it is excellent, even better than C for testing. of new ideas, the fact that you think that there are no new things is simply the result of your own mental fatigue, innovative ideas will always continue to exist, and yes, there is spam, I can't deny it, but on what website? there is no spam?
Activity: 206
Merit: 16
Hello, I would like to know if it is possible to divide 2 public keys between them.
ex: 0279be667ef9dcbbac55a06295ce870b07029bfcdb2dce28d959f2815b16f81798 / 02c6047f9441ed7d6d3045406e95c07cd85c778e4b8cef3ca7abac09b95c709ee5 with "secp256k1 as ice" or even something else?
Activity: 462
Merit: 24
Personally i believe that this post just lost its purpose there is a lot of non-sense post or just some offtopic (Some moderator should close it)

A lot of discutions if some slowly python code do this or that, if you have something substantial to contribute to that discussion, it would be best to start a new thread.

I think that you're right. That the further story is pointless. Regarding the speed of python programs. All are fast enough if someone knows the approximate range and public key. Wink
Activity: 2
Merit: 1
By the way, and you know why their puzzle addresses were removed from the 161st?
My thought is that this is the limit of public addresses. That is the further search in the theory goes on a circle.
Because all the funds from 161 through 255 were redundant (Bitcoin addresses only use 160 bits) the author of the puzzle moved all the funds from the 160-255 ranged down into the 1-160 range.  It is explained up thread.
Is it? I thought it uses almost 256 bits (the last possible private key is FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEBAAEDCE6AF48A03BBFD25E8CD0364140)

OH, HIII, Good morning

from sympy import mod_inverse
import secp256k1 as ice
pub=ice.pub2upub('Here Compressed Public Key')


def ters(Qx,Scalar):
     ScalarBin = str(bin(Scalar))[2:]
     for i in range (1,le+1):
        if ScalarBin[le-i] == "0":
     return ice.point_to_cpub(Qx)

for x in range(1,65536):
         f= (ters(pub,x))
         data= open(“halfpub.txt”,”a”)

Note this is where you decide how many bits should be reduced  
for x in range(1,65536):
For example reducing 26 bits requires 67108864 to be generated, 1 of them is the correct 26 bit reduced key.

Will you release for public to use?

Yes this is my code, I can write bit reduction code in another way if you want. If you want, you can reduce bits by subtraction.

I'm developing a new algorithm for downgrading from a known bit range to the bit range I want. When I complete it by giving only 1 correct pubkey, I will share it here.

@lordfrs, I was thinking, why do we need to keep all the 65556 keys if we are reducing 16 bits?  One other thing, if we multiply one of the keys from the end of the output file by 65556 we should see our target, correct? I haven't thought about on how to calculate, since we are subtracting one dividing by 2, one result if multiplied by 2^16 should reach the target or close to target, so why not discarding 90% of the generated keys and start multiplying the remaining 10% by 2^16? Could you add such operation to your script?

I guess if we could operate on private keys instead of public keys using your script, we could reach some results, ( as a test of course )

To test with scalar only, I use this script :

from sympy import mod_inverse

def ters(scalar):
    k = mod_inverse(2, N)
    scalar_bin = bin(scalar)[2:

bro please stop replying with those comments copy past from chatgpt you are doing nothing except replying and talk too much, you are doing nothing for real men, stop it bro, :) thank you

He is learning maths and programming, so I think is not a waste of time..

Hello to everyone
Activity: 107
Merit: 61

- Puzzle/challenge 64 solve by Unknown a year ago ‎2022-09-09 privatekey f7051f27b09112d4

If the solver is unknown, where is this private key came from?
When the solver move reward from 64 puzzle, it public key has been revealed; after that, finding a key in such a small range is trivial.
Activity: 16
Merit: 0

- Puzzle/challenge 64 solve by Unknown a year ago ‎2022-09-09 privatekey f7051f27b09112d4

If the solver is unknown, where is this private key came from?
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