5 years pass quickly :-D LOL
i have 40Mkeys per gpu(Is there any way to improve?)
Good speed increase if you only want to target the #61 puzzle address.
- Only -c
- Only one target: 1AVJKwzs9AskraJLGHAZPiaZcrpDr1U6AB
- Make sure to use latest BitCrack version from github. There have been good speed improvements to the OpenCL version recently
- Check your settings. For Cuda I have better performance with more threads (~512) instead of high processes
One target or 45000 target won't change much.
Try this
bc.exe -c -u -d 1 --keyspace 1000000000000000:1FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF -i addrdata.txt -o ohmygodimrich.txt -b 72 -t 256 -p 2048
Look here
[2019-02-22.19:47:44] [Info] Compression: compressed
[2019-02-22.19:47:44] [Info] Starting at: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001
[2019-02-22.19:47:44] [Info] Ending at: F000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
[2019-02-22.19:47:44] [Info] Counting by: 000000000C6323BDF5ED6969A34C18CA8E09B4CE2B7A6ED00F931CBAE8DBF0E8
[2019-02-22.19:47:44] [Info] Compiling OpenCL kernels...
[2019-02-22.19:47:51] [Info] Initializing Ellesmere
[2019-02-22.19:47:53] [Info] Generating 37,748,736 starting points (1440.0MB)
[2019-02-22.19:48:05] [Info] 10.0%
[2019-02-22.19:48:15] [Info] 20.0%
[2019-02-22.19:48:23] [Info] 30.0%
[2019-02-22.19:48:33] [Info] 40.0%
[2019-02-22.19:48:42] [Info] 50.0%
[2019-02-22.19:48:51] [Info] 60.0%
[2019-02-22.19:49:00] [Info] 70.0%
[2019-02-22.19:49:09] [Info] 80.0%
[2019-02-22.19:49:18] [Info] 90.0%
[2019-02-22.19:49:20] [Info] 100.0%
[2019-02-22.19:49:20] [Info] Done
[2019-02-22.19:49:20] [Info] Loading addresses from 'btc.txt'
[2019-02-22.19:49:36] [Info] 2,749,473 addresses loaded (52.4MB)
Ellesmere 2368/6509MB | 2749473 targets 81.53 MKey/s (69,684,166,656 total) [00:13:53]
I get over 80MKey/s on one Rx480 with 2,749,473 targets