
Topic: Bitcoin puzzle transaction ~32 BTC prize to who solves it - page 87. (Read 215611 times)

jr. member
Activity: 46
Merit: 1
No, once you try to move the funds, the public key is exposed.
A single modern GPU can solve #66 in less than a minute, with a known public key.
So how do you safely move the funds from 13zb1hQbWVsc2S7ZTZnP2G4undNNpdh5so ?
Activity: 14
Merit: 2
Please advise me on which wallet to use where the facility to enable and disable RBF (Replace-By-Fee) is available. My fully synchronized Bitcoin Core wallet has become corrupted, and IDK, Why Electrum has removed the RBF option.

Electrum has removed the RBF option starting with version 4.4 . All transactions have now RBF enabled by default. You can check it here

You can use Blue wallet to control the RBF option :
Activity: 272
Merit: 20
the right steps towerds the goal
Please advise me on which wallet to use where the facility to enable and disable RBF (Replace-By-Fee) is available. My fully synchronized Bitcoin Core wallet has become corrupted, and IDK, Why Electrum has removed the RBF option.
hero member
Activity: 862
Merit: 662
Hi All,

I've been reading this and other related topics for a few weeks and I'm trying to understand the complexity of the different algorithms and approaches.

You are mixing operations per second and keys per second and those aren't the same.

In BSGS with a precalculated set of 100 million keys, you only need to do a single operation ( publcikey subtraction) to determine if a key is in some 100 million keys right, that is 1 single operation but it give you a speed of 100 million keys / time, that is the difference, while bsgs do some thousands of subtraction per second (operations) it will give you some petakeya/s (speed) it is different way to measure it.

Activity: 462
Merit: 24
In fact, for block 66, a private key must be generated with the 81129638414569788207641586040831 number, and this process is slow with a CPU, but using a graphics processor speeds it up.

This is a demonstration and test of how slow Python is. Even if it's a few million keys per second.

Random sequence:
from multiprocessing.pool import Pool
from subprocess import check_output
from tqdm import tqdm
from tqdm.contrib.concurrent import process_map
import secp256k1 as ice
import math
import random
import sys

print('[+] target: '+right)

def int_to_bytes3(value, length = None): # in: int out: bytearray(b'\x80...
if not length and value == 0:
result = [0]
result = []
for i in range(0, length or 1+int(math.log(value, 2**8))):
result.append(value >> (i * 8) & 0xff)
return bytearray(result)

def pvk_to_addr(pvk):

    return ice.privatekey_to_address(0, True, pvk)

global c
c = 0

def go(r):
    global c
    if c % 100 == 0:
        print(f'[+] {c:,} Keys\r'.replace(',', ' '), end='')
    c = c + 1
    by = int_to_bytes3(r, 32)
    pvk = int.from_bytes(by, byteorder='big')  # Convert bytearray to integer
    ad = pvk_to_addr(pvk)
    # print('\r'+ad,end='')
    if ad == right:
        HEX = "%064x" % int(r)
        wifc = ice.btc_pvk_to_wif(HEX)
        with open('found.txt', 'w') as f:

def n(a,b):
return list(range(a,b))

pool = Pool(10)

while True:
print(f'\r[+] from: {hex(ra)} to: {hex(rb)} range: {hex(u)}={u}')
#global c
c=0, range(ra,rb), chunksize=32768)


Sequential sequence:
from multiprocessing.pool import Pool
from subprocess import check_output
from tqdm import tqdm
from tqdm.contrib.concurrent import process_map
import secp256k1 as ice
import math
import random
import sys

print('[+] target: '+right)

def int_to_bytes3(value, length = None): # in: int out: bytearray(b'\x80...
if not length and value == 0:
result = [0]
result = []
for i in range(0, length or 1+int(math.log(value, 2**8))):
result.append(value >> (i * 8) & 0xff)
return bytearray(result)

def pvk_to_addr(pvk):

    return ice.privatekey_to_address(0, True, pvk)

global c
c = 0

def go(r):
    global c
    if c % 100 == 0:
        print(f'[+] {c:,} Keys\r'.replace(',', ' '), end='')
    c = c + 1
    by = int_to_bytes3(r, 32)
    pvk = int.from_bytes(by, byteorder='big')  # Convert bytearray to integer
    ad = pvk_to_addr(pvk)
    # print('\r'+ad,end='')
    if ad == right:
        HEX = "%064x" % int(r)
        wifc = ice.btc_pvk_to_wif(HEX)
        with open('found.txt', 'w') as f:

def n(a,b):
return list(range(a,b))

pool = Pool(10)

u = 1048576
for ra in range(start, end - u + 1, u):
    rb = ra + u
    print(f'\r[+] from: {hex(ra)} to: {hex(rb)} range: {hex(u)}={u}')
    c = 0, range(ra, rb), chunksize=32768)

full member
Activity: 1162
Merit: 237
Shooters Shoot...
Hi All,

I've been reading this and other related topics for a few weeks and I'm trying to understand the complexity of the different algorithms and approaches.

For Pollard's Kangaroo algorithm, someone gave an estimate of 2^66.05 operations needed for solving #130 ( not sure how they reached this conclusion, but from reading about the algorithm it has a similar complexity to BSGS). This equals ~7.6x1019 operations needed.
For BSGS, from reading about it, is has a complexity of O(n1/2). Taking the square root of the range (2130 - 2129 - 1) equals ~2.6x1019 operations needed.

Is this correct? Is BSGS more efficient, or is it just a wrong way of calculating the efficiency?
I think I'm missing something in estimating the total "operations needed" for these algorithms. Is there a better/correct way of doing this?
Edit: -> Reading keyhunt's documentation, it says it can easily reach the speed of several peta-keys per second (1018), so I'm definitely missing something...

Considering HW limitations, I am still not familiar with how different Kangaroo implementations work, I see that the JeanLucPons' based on VanitySearch requires GPU power (I assume more cores means better, but not sure what is the requirement for VRAM, CPU, RAM).
For BSGS, seems like keyhunt is the best, and works better with more RAM and more CPU cores.
Am I missing anything? Are there any other/better tools available for searching the ranges with known public keys?

If you read Jean Luc’s kangaroo GitHub, you would see how I estimated the number of ops needed. Here is a link to it:

It has links to academia papers on the algo.

The quick way to calculate is to take the bit range, 130, divide by 2, add 1.05.
130/2 + 1.05 = 2^66.05

While Kangaroo and BSGS are similar, they are different. Probabilistic versus deterministic.

Choose a mid range and run both programs, with your hardware/equipment, and compare results.


As far as I understand, you mean that powerful individuals and teams like mining pools or similar ones have very high processing power and can accomplish our efforts to search for block 66, which may take several years, in less than a day?

No, once you try to move the funds, the public key is exposed.
A single modern GPU can solve #66 in less than a minute, with a known public key.
Activity: 6
Merit: 0
There is no pattern of it.

Note: This guy has put decimal number of the well established bitcoin puzzle serially.

Just converted hexadecimal to decimal
Activity: 15
Merit: 0
Hi All,

I've been reading this and other related topics for a few weeks and I'm trying to understand the complexity of the different algorithms and approaches.

For Pollard's Kangaroo algorithm, someone gave an estimate of 2^66.05 operations needed for solving #130 ( not sure how they reached this conclusion, but from reading about the algorithm it has a similar complexity to BSGS). This equals ~7.6x1019 operations needed.
For BSGS, from reading about it, is has a complexity of O(n1/2). Taking the square root of the range (2130 - 2129 - 1) equals ~2.6x1019 operations needed.

Is this correct? Is BSGS more efficient, or is it just a wrong way of calculating the efficiency?
I think I'm missing something in estimating the total "operations needed" for these algorithms. Is there a better/correct way of doing this?

Considering HW limitations, I am still not familiar with how different Kangaroo implementations work, I see that the JeanLucPons' based on VanitySearch requires GPU power (I assume more cores means better, but not sure what is the requirement for VRAM, CPU, RAM).
For BSGS, seems like keyhunt is the best, and works better with more RAM and more CPU cores.
Am I missing anything? Are there any other/better tools available for searching the ranges with known public keys?

In fact, for block 66, a private key must be generated with the 81129638414569788207641586040831 number, and this process is slow with a CPU, but using a graphics processor speeds it up.

I have written a simple Python program below that randomly generates private key within the range of block 66, and compares its public key at every moment with the public key of block number 66. If found, it displays a message and saves it in the data.txt file in the root of the program.

import bitcoin
import ecdsa
import secrets
from timeit import default_timer as timer  
start = timer()
for _ in range(47):# generate 47 character  ( 0 )
    t = t + "0"
def generate_private_key():
    p=str(secrets.choice(range(2, 4)))#  generate random( 2 or 3) for fist number
    return (t+p+secrets.token_hex(8))#return { 47 character ( 0 ) + random (2 or 3 ) +  generate random (16 character in hexadecimal)  }

def private_key_to_public_key(private_key):
    sk = ecdsa.SigningKey.from_string(bytes.fromhex(private_key), curve=ecdsa.SECP256k1)
    vk = sk.get_verifying_key()
    compressed_public_key = vk.to_string("compressed").hex()
    return compressed_public_key

def main():
    target_address = "13zb1hQbWVsc2S7ZTZnP2G4undNNpdh5so"  # this is Target wallet address , just p2pkh compressed
    while True:#
    #for _ in range(100000):#while True:
        private_key = generate_private_key()#secrets.randbelow(32))  # Generate a random private key
        public_key = private_key_to_public_key(private_key)  # Convert private key to compressed public key
        # Generate Bitcoin address from public key
        bitcoin_address = bitcoin.pubtoaddr(public_key)
        print(private_key,'  ',bitcoin_address)
        if (bitcoin_address == target_address):
            f = open("data.txt", "a")
            f.write('\nprivate key int: '
                    + private_key
                    +'\nBitcoin address: '
                    + bitcoin_address+'\n_________\n')
            print(f"Found matching Bitcoin address for private key: {private_key}")
    print("--- %s seconds ---" ,timer()-start)

if __name__ == "__main__":
Activity: 4
Merit: 0
Hi All,

I've been reading this and other related topics for a few weeks and I'm trying to understand the complexity of the different algorithms and approaches.

For Pollard's Kangaroo algorithm, someone gave an estimate of 2^66.05 operations needed for solving #130 ( not sure how they reached this conclusion, but from reading about the algorithm it has a similar complexity to BSGS). This equals ~7.6x1019 operations needed.
For BSGS, from reading about it, is has a complexity of O(n1/2). Taking the square root of the range (2130 - 2129 - 1) equals ~2.6x1019 operations needed.

Is this correct? Is BSGS more efficient, or is it just a wrong way of calculating the efficiency?
I think I'm missing something in estimating the total "operations needed" for these algorithms. Is there a better/correct way of doing this?
Edit: -> Reading keyhunt's documentation, it says it can easily reach the speed of several peta-keys per second (1018), so I'm definitely missing something...

Considering HW limitations, I am still not familiar with how different Kangaroo implementations work, I see that the JeanLucPons' based on VanitySearch requires GPU power (I assume more cores means better, but not sure what is the requirement for VRAM, CPU, RAM).
For BSGS, seems like keyhunt is the best, and works better with more RAM and more CPU cores.
Am I missing anything? Are there any other/better tools available for searching the ranges with known public keys?
Activity: 462
Merit: 24
Maybe disabling RBF would be a start, and using a high fee.

Yep, that's the solution. It is one-time try only.

This has been bugging me and put me off from searching 66.
Ok so say i found it can i make the fee high enough like in electrum and broadcast it a few minutes before the next block ?
This way i have a few mins to get in next block before the pub key is cracked. Is this possible.?
Otherwise what is the point ?

That is the enigma. Maybe 66 is already hacked, but no one will make transaction first.

130 is safe Grin
Activity: 15
Merit: 0
I still don't understand, by whom it will be broken, I also wrote software and I am searching randomly.

What should we do to transfer, add the private key in online wallets and go to the transfer form, use phone apps, which wallet software should we use to withdraw the balance, or write a program for the Bitcoin transfer form or  Should we add its in Bitcoin core???

If you initiate a transaction you will reveal the public key. Since it belongs to a 66-bit public key, you can quickly find the private address with kangaroo or bsgs because you know the range and it is "narrow". Then you will start your transaction and generate a double expense. To win you will "bid" a higher transaction fee to get more confirmations faster.
If there is any mistake in this, someone correct me.

I am grateful to the members of this group and I thank them very much for providing good information and guidance. I ask many questions more for a deep understanding of the issue rather than seeking a solution myself; of course, my intention is not self-praise, I just can't be a bystander to the problems.

As far as I understand, you mean that powerful individuals and teams like mining pools or similar ones have very high processing power and can accomplish our efforts to search for block 66, which may take several years, in less than a day? And while we have requested the transfer of Bitcoin, they may also register it with a higher fee, and more people repeat this process, creating something like an auction?

Are they still unaware of the existence of the Bitcoin puzzle so they can think about it sooner?
Activity: 41
Merit: 0
I still don't understand, by whom it will be broken, I also wrote software and I am searching randomly.

What should we do to transfer, add the private key in online wallets and go to the transfer form, use phone apps, which wallet software should we use to withdraw the balance, or write a program for the Bitcoin transfer form or  Should we add its in Bitcoin core???

If you initiate a transaction you will reveal the public key. Since it belongs to a 66-bit public key, you can quickly find the private address with kangaroo or bsgs because you know the range and it is "narrow". Then you will start your transaction and generate a double expense. To win you will "bid" a higher transaction fee to get more confirmations faster.
If there is any mistake in this, someone correct me.
full member
Activity: 1162
Merit: 237
Shooters Shoot...
Maybe disabling RBF would be a start, and using a high fee.

Yep, that's the solution. It is one-time try only.

This has been bugging me and put me off from searching 66.
Ok so say i found it can i make the fee high enough like in electrum and broadcast it a few minutes before the next block ?
This way i have a few mins to get in next block before the pub key is cracked. Is this possible.?
Otherwise what is the point ?

Your tactic could work, but there is no way to know when the next block happens, it could be 2 minutes, it could be hours. You can play the average block time for sure, but even that is not 100%.

Some claim there is a way around it all, but I'm not sure how.
Activity: 14
Merit: 0
Maybe disabling RBF would be a start, and using a high fee.

Yep, that's the solution. It is one-time try only.

This has been bugging me and put me off from searching 66.
Ok so say i found it can i make the fee high enough like in electrum and broadcast it a few minutes before the next block ?
This way i have a few mins to get in next block before the pub key is cracked. Is this possible.?
Otherwise what is the point ?
full member
Activity: 1162
Merit: 237
Shooters Shoot...
Hello everyone.

I need a Python script that would check two text files, and if the text in the lines matches, then the script would write “Match found” and write the matching text to a new file. If there is no match, then it would write “No matches found.”

Can anyone help?

Something like this:

def check_files(file1, file2, output_file):
    with open(file1, 'r') as f1, open(file2, 'r') as f2:
        lines1 = f1.readlines()
        lines2 = f2.readlines()

    matches = [line for line in lines1 if line in lines2]

    with open(output_file, 'w') as out:
        if matches:
            print("Match found")
            for match in matches:
            print("No matches found")

check_files('file1.txt', 'file2.txt', 'matches.txt')

Activity: 2
Merit: 0
Thanks for all your replies, i appreciate for it.

I still just wondering how many keys i can crack per second with Rtx4090?

There is a program which i tried before it's modified version of bitcrack which is synchronized with vanitygen which is working much faster than original bitcrack.

Did anyone tried it with Rtx4090?
Activity: 15
Merit: 0
I still don't understand, by whom it will be broken, I also wrote software and I am searching randomly.

What should we do to transfer, add the private key in online wallets and go to the transfer form, use phone apps, which wallet software should we use to withdraw the balance, or write a program for the Bitcoin transfer form or  Should we add its in Bitcoin core???
Activity: 239
Merit: 53
New ideas will be criticized and then admired.
Maybe disabling RBF would be a start, and using a high fee.

That is currenly useless, even disabling that flag in your transactions, it still can be replaced due Nodes configurations.

So we are in a big problem, there should be standard rules for all nodes so that rbf makes sense and is optional and not permanent.
but I don't think the rules will be changed for the puzzles.
hero member
Activity: 862
Merit: 662
Maybe disabling RBF would be a start, and using a high fee.

That is currenly useless, even disabling that flag in your transactions, it still can be replaced due Nodes configurations.
full member
Activity: 290
Merit: 133
Maybe disabling RBF would be a start, and using a high fee.

Yep, that's the solution. It is one-time try only.
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