Is there such a thing being developed and kept updated? What I mean is a distro that comes with preinstalled software that you would need for any Bitcoin related business (full node software like Core, another lightweight software like Electrum, all libraries pre-installed, Tor, some other useful tools and everything else declutted)
There was one bitcointalk member
MagnumOpus3kwho created Linux distro preloaded with Bitcoin related software and it's called
LockBox Linux OS.
He created
topic about that OS in bitcointalk forum, but I don't know how often he updates it.
Second option is Tails OS, this is minimalist Linux OS you can use with USB stick, but I think it comes only with Electrum wallet.
You don't need to install Bitcoin Core because it's unrealistic to use it minimalist like you want and you would have to wait a long time to sync.
I would rather install Fedora CoreOS or Debian myself (they are both coming without any bloatware) and than add Electrum or any other wallet or software later.
HW's are anti privacy because it already reveals by default you are holding Bitcoin.
This is so wrong....with your logic if you carry a knife or axe with you than you are already a killer right?
On your laptop or phone you can carry much more than bitcoin keys, including bunch of your sensitive information.