1. Confirmation times and fees become too high for many people, and they will simply slow or completely stop trading. A decrease in trading volume can make the price to fall down, but the main effect will be shorter confirmation times (less transactions to process) in the short term, and lower fees (as there will be more competition on the transactions between miners) in the long term.
It's not just going anywhere, it's just that the competitors have already started their games, I really thank God that Bitcoin is still the major chain amongst all those bullshit forks that are just popping up with a simple purpose of making money over noobs. But the problem is, miners should now understand that what they are taking (which is ~ between $10 - $100) is way too far from the actual fee we used to pay before, and i.e.; $0.1 - $1.
It's not like trading will stop, but people are now bound to wait more and then make a better amount in terms of coins to trade (so to satisfy their mind by paying a fee for two transactions in just one by combining both of them). But as said, miners should adjust the fee structure else the time is not too far for everyone switching to some alts to satisfy their needs and Bitcoin will only remain there as an asset (which it already is), but will be seen as something not worth to be invested in due to these issues.
Become? They are already too much high. Compare to previous times and check now, we now pay more than 1000% over fees too, are we here for the same? I understand that the computational power that Bitcoin takes, needs higher returns too for the miners in order to continue mining, but still if all this and majorly, halving is considered, I believe that the maximum we should currently pay in fees must be not more than $2 (taking $1 as previous fees) because $0.5 was normal when miners were getting 50 BTC rewards and now, after the second halving, they get 12.5. What's more important to them? BTC or fiat?
Not in this case, because it's completely based on the tendency as well as intentions of mining community. You said correctly that people might leave because of the fees but dumping their coins is actually not going to happen as they know what they have invested in.