Know what I am? I'm a legit, white-economy merchant.
http://www.goldenmeancalipers.comI'm one of the people that you badly need to legitimise this currency - and I've done my best to evangelise it - take a look at my bitcoin page ( I've changed the last line to prove that it's my site. )
And my attitude is one that you get from someone who's been banging their head against a brick wall for the last 3 hours.
re: "When it is easy for 90% of the population you will have to pay a hell of a lot more."
err... sorry? How is that? I thought this was open-source?
What is a white-economy merchant?
For what it is worth, you are an early adaptor yet. It is a 0.3.x software, which means it is not considered ready for the masses. One of the features to help with this is in the 0.3.21 and later versions, so it does not help you are running a version without the feature to try and help with this issue (which is a router networking issue and not a bitcoin issue per say, it just manifests itself with bitcoin for you). A year from now these issues should be gone. There is also a lot of routers still out there that do not do a good job with NAT. Maybe it can be fixed with a firmware update, or hard setting the port forwarding for now or maybe not, depends on your exact router being used.
They meant the price of bitcoins will likely go up, as more people are able to learn about them and use them.
A year from now hopefully you will also be very glad to have learned about it as an early user.