I have just learned that I have some competition!
It is flattering to have copiers. Looks like he tried to hurry it out though.
Generally I relish competition, and this is no exception. It is even more delightful that the competition is the notorious Rob Gray of the Mulligan Mint who is offering this piece:
https://factorystore.mulliganmint.com/silver/1-oz/brilliant-uncirculated-quality/bit-coin.htmlI have had no personal dealings with Rob Gray. He has been one of the more prominent private minters, but I was not pleased with the treatment that he gave his mentor, Bernard von NotHaus (Architect of the Liberty Dollar) when Bernard was facing spurious charges from the US Feds for essentially being too successful with his alternate currency to the US dollar. It was during this time that Mr Gray took the body of work of Bernard von NotHaus and claimed that he had originated it and called it the American Open Currency Standard, and then proceeded to claim that the Liberty Dollar model upon which the AOCS was based was not compliant with the standard. This betrayal was at a time when Bernard was fighting for his freedom with the Feds (he still is). AOCS may have done much good, but having been founded on what I saw as a fraudulent misrepresentation, I would not join with his efforts.
As it turns out this was not a bad decision on my part. Some of those who did quite a bit of business with him are currently in lawsuits attempting to get some millions of dollars worth of precious metals back from him according to these guys:
http://mulliganmintexposed.com/I have attempted to place an order for some of these on his site, but it seems that it is not currently processing orders. I would like to evaluate his QR solution as it looks like the boarder is too narrow (it is a part of the QR which is often ignored). Reputedly this QR links to his store.
It might be shut down because of this:
http://thetgbreport.com/2013/08/01/mulligan-mint-assets-being-seized-today-article-5/The private minting world is a pretty small community, and I have been fairly open about what we are doing and our intentions with this offering. It looks like the word is out so... Now I have this challenge, to put more of these pieces into circulation than Rob Gray's pieces.
He may have ill gotten wealth to fund marketing programs, but no matter what may come, I have an 8 old promise to fulfill, made in NL, and so I will
Thank you for those of you who have placed orders already, we think you will be very happy with what you will get. I welcome any questions on this or any other matter.