10 Duke(10,000,000m
BTC) - approx 70 exist
15 Prince(3,000,000m
BTC) - approx 200 exist
20 Marquis(1,000,000m
BTC) - approx 700 exist
25 Earl(300,000m
BTC) - approx 2000 exist
30 Viscount(100,000m
BTC) - approx 7000 exist
35 Baron(30,000m
BTC) - approx 20,000 exist
40 Baronet(10,000m
BTC) - approx 70,000 exist
45 Knight(3,000m
BTC) - approx 150-200,000 exist
50 Freeman 1st cl.(1,000m
BTC) - approx 300-500,000 exist
This group numbers about 0.5-1 million now, and most of them have no idea of how important they are. Really, currently they are therefore mostly not that important. But if they did activate their supernode and mininodes, they would be important very soon. Before the old powers can fall, we need the new safety net established.
We need a new OTC exchange for USD/BTC and all other crypto/fiat/metal currencies. But many are already working for that, including "my" Bitcoin Dealer Network Association (BDNA). We have many services, but people are working for that.
We also need to have a supernode network to just .. umm.. rule the world and have fun doing it.
BTC) - approx 70 exist
15 Prince(3,000,000m
BTC) - approx 200 exist
20 Marquis(1,000,000m
BTC) - approx 700 exist
These are the ones that we need most. So I propose a criteria on how to become one:
Test on SupernodesIf You pass the test with
- minimum 55, you are eligible to become Duke
- minimum 45, you are eligible to become Prince
- minimum 35, you are eligible to become Marquis
- minimum 25, you are eligible to become Earl
- minimum 15, you are eligible to become Viscount
- less than 15, you are eligible to become Freeman
1. Do you have at least (X) bitcoins:
more than 50,000 => 20 points
50,000 => 18 points
30,000 => 16 points
20,000 => 14 points
10,000 => 12 points
5,000 => 10 points
3,000 => 8 points
2,000 => 6 points
1,000 => 4 points
500 => 2 points
300 => 0 points
less than 300 => disqualified
2. Do you plan to acquire more bitcoins or sell them in the following 6 months:
sell more than 25% => 0 points
sell more than 10% => 2 points
not sell, not buy => 4 points
buy more => 6 points
Buy a lot more => 8 points
3. How many languages do you command?
=> 2 point per language
4. Have you ever been convicted of a crime (political and victimless crimes do not count)
=> 8 points if no, -4 points per each count
5. Do you understand how bitcoin network works?
yes, read and understood the white paper => 6 points
yes, could explain it to an outsider => 4 points
no, not really => 2 points
it's Greek to me => 0 points
Do you trade bitcoin OTC now?
no => 0 points
not really => 2 points
YEAH, quite much => 4 points
established business going on => 6 points
Do you have other bitcoin business?
no => 0 points
just or once => 2 points
yes but small => 4 points
established => 6 points
Write an essay on your Bitcoin Ministry (This is a
LARP after all, so write about your character and how it's role is to promote the bitcoin business)? (max=> 10 points)
What is your Bitcoin Mission Statement? (max=> 4 points)
Your achievements (in sports, etc. something world-class(national/city/etc.) you have done, max 3) (max=> 6 points)
Count all the points, then find out about your (maximum) ranking.
Note carefully. You need to post a Bitcoin Supernode Network game fee, which goes up with the rank (0.5% of the noted wealth):Duke: 50,000m
BTCPrince: 15,000m
BTCMarquis: 5,000m
BTCEarl: 1,500m
BTCViscount: 600m
BTCFreeman: 300m
The price includes entrance to Internet resources, plastic name tag/(ID card) and printed promotion materials incl posters, T-shirt, millibitcoin notes.The plastic materials are actually quite nice. In a separate thread I will start asking for admissions.
(Until now, this is all in planning stage.)