No. This is why I'm telling people like you with either a pontificating disorder coupled with limited understanding of economics or control issues to start their own block chain and see for themselves to true nature of the blight they have given birth to. No one is forcing you to use Bitcoins. Bitcoins will only take over the entire international economy if its properties appeal to every member of the economy. Obviously it won't, look at yourself.
Current Bitcoin isn't unfair, you're just reacting emotionally to it. But that's beyond the point. Now I see the full extent by which you are detached from reality. You are saying in a late future, when Bitcoin will be known to all, you shall start your superior coin and everyone will drop Bitcoin and join yours on day 1 because Bitcoin is flawed and your chimera fixes these flaws. How is that gonna work exactly? If Bitcoin is flawed, it will fail, and you won't have a community willing to join another version of it in throngs from day 1. The very idea that a concept should gain public approval on the sole premise that it is flawed and a fraud is disturbing. If anything, you should start your block chain this very moment. Every second you allow that fraudulent block chain to monopolize people's mind is a second more of work for you to redeem the name of Bitcoin so that v2.0 can take over. On the other hand, if v1.0 is a success, then obviously it isn't flawed, your changes are useless, and no one will join your 2.0. Actually, let's call it Bitcoin -2.0.
What are they losing? There are 3 types of currency models out there: inflationary, deflationary, stabilized (roflol pixie dust). Entry upon the market doesn't affect your outstanding wealth, so the only meaningful effect is the appreciation of your wealth over time. With an inflationary model, you stand at best to maintain your wealth, at worst to lose it all but a tiny fraction. With a stabilized model, you stand to drink the cool aid. With a deflationary model, you stand to maintain your wealth at worst, buy a space ship with spare change at best. So I'd like to see how you're losing anything.
I get it now, you're 12.
With that level of inflation you're looking to double your monetary mass every 70 years or so...
Yet you want to change the currency to have governments adopt it. Do you want governments in or out of it? It's getting hard to follow you.
You don't like taxes but you hate deflation and are in love with inflation? 'scuse me wha?
The mother principle of private property is first come first served. Are you against private property too?