Hey Shorena
Can you gimme a quick quote on the prices for these: 1JAYDiP & 1DiPAK
1JAYDiP - exact case - 0.0002 BTC - 15,058,417,127
1DiPAK - exact case - donation -
Payment address: 1vanityybUbbYsiJjAGiNK7vdJkNCqm2e
i would like to get one addy again with 12016New/1New2016/12016HNY how much it cost for all of them ?
Note, there is no 'zero' so I replaced it with a 'small oh'
12o16New - exact case - 0.0073 BTC - 888,446,610,538
1New2o16 - exact case - 0.0073 BTC - 873,388,193,410
12o16HNY - exact case - 0.0073 BTC - 888,446,610,538
all 3 - exact case - 0.0136 BTC - 294,456,590,921 - 888,446,610,538
Payment address: 19U7fYyHVGddryPLmc4s1UPWTBZTqhRCuv
It's a nice initiative Shorena for starting this service.
I would like to know an estimate of addresses either with prefixes
1Notaek and
1notaek respectively.
And here's my public key pair for it's generation:
Let me know after you come back on 2
nd Jan. Thanks.
1NOTAEK - exact case - not possible, no large 'Oh'
1Notaek - exact case - 0.0002 BTC - 15,058,417,127
1notaek - exact case - 0.0073 BTC - 888,446,610,538
Payment address: 17FjNcKXde72c5gRP4YkpzdnbLLF9pEEVu