For me personally this is not good news, such a large number of newly opened accounts in only one online wallet shows us that the majority of users are not fully aware of all the risks which come along with online wallets. But on the other side ( be aware this service is change domain to .com recently ) is also allows users to buy BTCÐ, so it may be good if users just buy coins and send them to more secure wallets ( desktop&hardware ).
this is a huge number of new users in fact. it's strange that the market does not grow although new people come here
Yes, it is strange that only one site is get 50k new users daily which is 1,500,000 a month, and we do not see any big changes regarding the price. Blockchain service is just maybe want to show how better they are from Coinbase, they sign 50k users daily during December last year and Blockchain is doing that these days.
In my opinion this is just cheap public promotion, they may claim to adding 100k users per day - there is no way for us to know is this true.
This is similar to how the exchanges were faking volume just to attract more users and list coins at higher prices. They inflate the numbers so they can have higher market caps and appear to be stronger than the others. Just one more way to trick people.
That's a good point about online exchanges. People should be more aware about the risks involved and take the simple precaution of downloading a wallet to an offline drive rather than opening accounts and just let their money sit their unguarded on exchanges. The problem is, Bitcoin appears difficult but it's really not.